26 Kisses - Anna Michels Page 0,18

up, but rounded out and filled in. My annoyance melts away as her fingers fly over the strings. Her head drops lower as she strums, humming a melody over the top of the chords that reminds me of the way sunlight sparkles on Lake Michigan on a perfectly cloudless day, or the sound of Kaylee laughing as I tickle her. Or the way I felt when Mark first held my hand.

I don’t realize my eyes are closed until the music stops.

“Well?” Mel’s voice is soft.

I open my eyes, and she fixes her gaze on the wall behind me.

“You can tell me if it’s terrible. Please tell me.”

“Have you played it for Seth?”

Mel’s shoulders jerk, and she sets the guitar down quickly. “Why would I play it for Seth?”

I narrow my eyes. “Um, because you and Seth play all your songs for each other.”

“And for you,” she says.

“I guess.”

There’s an awkward pause, and Mel stands up, brushing her hands off on her shorts. “Whatever. It’s terrible. Just forget about it.”

“Hey.” I reach over and grab her hand. “It’s not terrible. And you should play it for him.”

She hesitates for a moment, then shrugs and pulls away. “I actually am kind of hungry. You want something to eat?”

As soon as Mel opens the refrigerator, Manuela’s sixth sense kicks in, and she comes bustling in from the yard, wiping her dirty hands on her shorts. “No, no, no, mija, let me get it for you.” She nudges Mel away from the fridge and begins pulling out plates of food and jars of condiments.

We eat chips and salsa, and then some fruit salad, and Manuela is about to force a plate of homemade cherry bars on us when Bob comes rushing into the kitchen, his arms full of clipboards and folders bursting with paper.

“Here’s my favorite one.” Manuela plants a kiss on his cheek. “What’s going on?”

Bob tosses the papers onto the counter, nearly knocking over a jar of extra hot salsa. “Heather quit.” He shoots a look at Mel, who shrugs.

“Told you she would.” She picks up a chip and takes an exaggerated bite. “You should have listened to me.”

Bob slumps against the counter. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I need someone else out there.”

Mel glances at me and opens her mouth, but I kick her leg, and all that comes out is a little yelp.

He rubs his eyes. “You girls don’t happen to know anyone looking for work, do you?”

“No,” I say firmly, just as Mel says, “Yes.”

I glare at her as Bob looks back and forth between us.

“Vee needs a job,” Mel says finally.

“Weren’t you working at the movie theater?” Manuela asks.

“I quit,” I say, pushing my crumb-strewn plate away. “Long story.”

“Well . . .” Bob bows his head and laces his fingers together in mock prayer. “If you wanted to, Veda, it would be a huge help. You know the job—driving the canoes back up the river, hauling inner tubes. Killian would be working with you, so he can do the heavy lifting. Nine dollars and fifty cents an hour.”

Mel wiggles her eyebrows and mouths, Killian, at me. I try to ignore her but feel my cheeks heating up.

“Take a couple of days to think about it,” Bob finally says, although I can tell it’s costing him everything he has not to keep pressing me to accept then and there.

Mel leans over and gives me a light punch on the shoulder. I shift away from her and rest my chin on my hands. “No, I don’t need to think about it. Of course I’ll do it, Bob. Thanks so much for the offer.”

His whole body deflates as he lets out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Vee. It’ll be great. We owe you one.” He slings an arm around Manuela’s shoulders, and she gazes up at him. “Consider yourself set up with free tamales for life.”

“Hey!” Manuela pulls away and swats his backside with a dish towel. “Beautiful Veda already knows she has free tamales for life.”

Bob grins and chases her around the kitchen, finally pressing her up against the counter.

“Okay, gross, we’re going to my room now,” Mel announces. “See you later.” She drags me off my chair and down the hallway. Slamming the door behind her, she turns to me and taps her fingers together, a devious grin spreading over her face. “This is perfect,” she says. “We’re going to get to work together and hang out all summer, and I’ve thought of the perfect

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