1636: The Saxon Uprising ARC - By Eric Flint Page 0,132


Kresse’s men, on the other hand, were irregulars whose informal training was quite different. They didn’t lack courage, but it was a different sort of courage.

“Yes, I understand. If I use you in a battle, it’d be to hold some defensive positions. I wouldn’t expect you to be able to maneuver on an open field.”

The tone of the meeting warmed up considerably, after that. Mike thought he’d probably passed some sort of test.

Two days later, the storm had passed and it was time to make the transmissions. Jimmy Andersen and his little crew of radio operators had had everything ready for some time, but Mike waited until the evening. He wanted to make the broadcast during the so-called “window,” when the conditions were best for radio transmissions.

So, he took a moment to compose himself. Once he made that first transmission, he’d crossed the Rubicon.

Which—he’d looked it up once—was a river so small it would have been considered a mere creek in West Virginia.

“Piss on it,” he murmured. “Okay, Jimmy, let’s go. The first message is a transmission to Oxenstierna.”

To Axel Oxenstierna, chancellor of Sweden

From Michael Stearns, major general in command of the USE Army Third Division

Your behavior over the past three months has become intolerable. I refer specifically to the following acts:

First, the illegal detention and imprisonment of the nation’s prime minister.

Second, the creation of a rump so-called convention that has attempted to usurp the powers of the nation’s legitimate parliament.

Third, the sequestration of the injured emperor under conditions of inferior medical care, a deeply suspicious act that smells of treason.

Fourth, the imposition of martial law on Saxony and ordering General Banér’s assault on Dresden, a peaceful and orderly city, despite the express orders of the province’s administrator personally appointed by the emperor.

Thank you, Ernst Wettin. Mike took a moment to think kind thoughts about a small and unprepossessing nobleman whose integrity dwarfed that of most others of his class.

Fifth, the commission of atrocities by Swedish troops against the Saxon populace, such atrocities including murder, rape, arson, bodily mutilation and theft.


The list went on for quite some time. The kitchen sink wasn’t there, but only because Mike hadn’t been able to figure out a plausible way to accuse Oxenstierna of stealing it.

He did accuse the chancellor of imperiling the nation’s sanitation measures and increasing the danger of epidemics, though.

“It’s off, General.”

“The second message is a transmission to Magdeburg. The first of two, actually.”

To Princess Kristina Vasa, heir to the throne of the United States of Europe.

He’d considered adding her titles to the thrones of Sweden and the High Union of Kalmar as well, but eventually decided against it. A great deal of the legalities involved in all this derived from the nature of Gustav Adolf’s triple monarchy. Much of the case against Oxenstierna, in the end, came down to the charge that he’d used his position in the Swedish government to interfere—completely illegally and with no authorization whatsoever—in the affairs of a separate nation, the United States of Europe.

Mike saw no advantage to undermining his case by dragging in two other nations himself. Officially, his ties to Kristina as a general in the USE army were derived solely from her position in that nation and no other.

Legal folderol, it could be argued. Hadn’t Mike himself said publicly that what defined a civil war was the collapse of the rule of law?

Yes, he had. But defining something was not the same as advocating it. From the beginning, his side in this civil war had positioned itself to be the champion of law and proper procedure, and had forced Oxenstierna into the position of being the one overturning the rule of law. That might not count for much in the ranks of Oxenstierna’s diehard supporters—it certainly didn’t count for much in the minds of diehard CoC members—but it did matter to wide swaths of the German populace. So far, with very few exceptions, the town militias had stayed out of the fight. So had the provincial armies. Mike wanted to keep it that way.

Rest assured that the Third Division’s loyalty to the Vasa dynasty is not in question. Our quarrel is not with you or with your father. It is with the usurper Oxenstierna and his minions.

“That’s done too, sir.”

“Here’s the second transmission to Magdeburg.”

The Third Division commends the prudent actions of the legal representatives of the legitimate parliament, who have remained at their posts in the nation’s legitimate capital of Magdeburg. We give those legal members of parliament the same assurances

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