100% That Witch - Celia Kyle Page 0,67

or something,” she muttered as Nero swept the hair off her neck to zip her up.

“You look beautiful,” he murmured in her ear, nuzzling her neck.

As much as she enjoyed the attention, he was right. They’d be late if they succumbed to their desires. Stepping away from him was one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do—at least that day. The heels she’d chosen matched the dress and some very light silver jewelry heightened the happiness of the ensemble. That’s why she chose it in the first place, as a statement about who she was and who she no longer was. She paused in front of the mirror one last time, holding her anticipation and excitement inside her like a bubble about to burst.

“Are you ready, my Beloved?” he asked softly.

She turned to him, nodding. They took each other’s hands and then walked to the landing together before descending to the main parlor.

The room was filled with their friends. Tiffany’s breath caught in her chest. So many people were here. It was as if they had pulled all the air from the room. She and Nero joined the crowd, everyone appearing delighted by the rose petals the house was dropping on the soft red carpet.

“Hmm,” she said softly. “I think the groom is nervous.”

“What?” Nero craned his head over the crowd to look at the podium.

Nathan and Ryan stood there, holding hands in their beautifully tailored tuxedos—Ryan in gray and Nathan in black.

“Oh my God,” Tiffany whispered as the crowd settled around them. “I’ve never seen Nathan fully clothed before!”

Someone nearby chuckled under his breath, and Tiffany supposed they had never seen Nathan fully clothed either.

“You’re right. He does look nervous. Do you think moved too fast?”

Tiffany beamed. “They’ve been together for a long time now. It might look sudden, but they know how they feel about each other.”

Nero smiled and squeezed her hand, giving her a knowing look. She returned it, leaning in to kiss him.

The ceremony was brief but deeply moving. The guys had written their own vows, and Tiffany teared up as they were announced wedded partners. Nathan’s conviction and affection moved her more than anything because he hung on to Ryan as if he would never let go.

The reception started immediately, the House switching to an upbeat track and swaying the branches of flowers as if it were dancing. Tiffany hurried forward to throw her arms around Ryan and then Nathan. She was practically bouncing up and down in her high heels, she was so giddy.

“I’m so, so happy for you both.” She fanned her eyes with her hands, trying to stop the tears so she didn’t wreck her makeup.

Ryan draped an arm around his husband’s shoulders. “Who would have guessed catching up with an old friend was all it would take for Nathan to realize he couldn’t let me get away?” Ryan looked into his lover’s eyes as he spoke.

“I couldn’t stand it,” Nathan whispered. “I just couldn’t handle the idea of you being with anyone else. I was a fool. Pushing you away for all the wrong reasons.”

Ryan leaned close to him. “I couldn’t get over you either, my love. I thought my heart would be split open forever.”

They kissed briefly but passionately. Tiffany had never seen Nathan so open with his feelings, so sincere and loving. And Ryan had never seemed happier. The tears she’d been trying to hold off were about to overflow.

Sensing a coming flood, Nero pulled her straight to the dance floor. It was so packed, she felt a bit like a pinball, bouncing into everyone. There was barely enough room for Nero to breathe, let alone bust a move.

He tried to spin her around, but they were immediately entangled with Wren and Brodie. Waltzing in the other direction, they broke into the tightly packed group that was Maeve, Abaddon, Nikos, Kallum and Draven. Tiffany finally had enough of being elbowed and bumped into, so she grabbed Nero’s hand, dragging him toward the food.

Rhys was there, looking somber as usual. Tiffany felt a familiar stab of apprehension, but nothing else. She almost laughed at her own apprehension as she walked straight up to him, smiling.

“Hi, Rhys.”

“Oh. Uh, hi, Tiffany,” he tried to smile and nod, even though he kept looking warily over her shoulder at Nero standing a few steps behind her.

“I have a couple things I’d like to say to you,” she said, relishing—just a little—the anxiety that flashed in his eyes. “First... I’m sorry. I should have caught your many, many clues that you weren’t into me, but the fantasy I’d built in my head wouldn’t allow it.”

He blinked rapidly, clearly unsure if he should believe her, so she pressed on.

“Secondly, I’d like to thank you. You never once lied or led me on or tried to take advantage of my ridiculous crush on you. You’re an honorable man.”

He flushed a little. “Um, thanks? Though ‘ridiculous’ seems like a strong word.”

Tiffany laughed. “I only meant my behavior was ridiculous.”

Probably for the first time, Rhys gave her a truly genuine, warm smile. “I’m happy for you both. Glad it all worked out.”

Tiffany turned and beamed at her lover. “Me too.”

They drifted away from the food table, heading for the big garden out back. It was almost as if the untamed nature was calling to Nero and he couldn’t resist it. They walked through the hanging vines and dark creepers, finally finding a soft, grassy spot to sit on. She didn’t even care if she got grass stains on her butt.

“Work’s going to be very different,” Nero said quietly.

Tiffany nodded. “School will be too. How am I supposed to concentrate with your gorgeousness hanging around?”

“Then I promise not to find you during the day,” he said solemnly, though the twinkle in his eye belied his teasing.

“Don’t you dare! You come see me every spare minute you have.”

They fell into each other’s kiss, and Nero wrapped his arms around her as he leaned back, pulling them both to the ground. Tiffany had never felt so light and free in her life. She’d had faith everything would work out, and it had.

Not long after their meeting with Mavis and Harry, they had appealed the decision to the OCU Board of Directors. After a lengthy hearing and much hot-air-blowing, the board had ruled that Beloveds and fated mates were exempt from the outdated policy. New codes were being drawn up to put new policies in place. Tiffany didn’t even try to understand the red tape. She just thanked all the stars in heaven that their biggest hurdle was now well and truly behind them.

Nero’s kisses became more insistent and she sank into him. The long split up her leg shifted as Nero pushed the skirt up. She started undoing the buttons on his dress shirt as his hands began to explore underneath the dress.

She forgot everything except his hands on her body. Sensation swelled and crashed over her, pleasure shocking through her every cell. Nero gently pulled the straps from her shoulders and caressed her breasts with his lips and tongue, making her writhe against him.

When he paused, she opened her eyes, surprised. Then she saw him wrestling with his cummerbund, and she giggled.

“My dear,” he said, exasperated. “I think the challenge of getting me out of these clothes is far steeper than getting me into them.”

She placed her hands on his chest, feeling the little buttons with her fingers, and smiled as she leaned in to kiss him.

“I’m up for the challenge.”

We hope you enjoyed reading Tiffany and Nero’s story as much as we enjoyed writing it! Looking for your next Othercross fix? How about Real Men of Othercross Volume One! http://bklink.to/ocbox1

About the Authors

Celia Kyle

Ex-dance teacher, former accountant and erstwhile collectible doll salesperson, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Celia Kyle now writes paranormal romances. It goes without saying that there’s always a happily-ever-after for her characters, even if there are a few road bumps along the way. Today she lives in central Florida and writes full-time with the support of her loving husband and two finicky cats.

Website – https://celiakyle.com

Facebook – https://facebook.com/authorceliakyle

Marina Maddix

New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Marina Maddix is a romantic at heart, but hates closing the bedroom door on her readers. Her stories are sweet, with just enough spice to make your mother blush. She lives with her husband and cat near the Pacific Ocean, and loves to hear from her fans.

Website – https://marinamaddix.com

Facebook – https://facebook.com/authormarinamaddix

Copyright © 2020 by Celia Kyle & Marina Maddix

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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