100% That Witch - Celia Kyle Page 0,41

soon. “We’ll talk about it then.”

“We’ll set something up once I’ve nailed down my itinerary. See you then.”

“Bye, Dad.”

The phone landed in the cushions of her bed with a soft thud. Even though her talk with Aurora had made her feel much better this morning, it hadn’t taken much for doubt to creep back in. The small amount of rest she’d managed was banished by the anxiety of knowing her dad was going to be here in just a week’s time.

Falling back on the bed, she was far too tense to even consider sleeping. She would have to get on with it, not just because her dad was coming, but for her own sake. Her grades really were coming along, with Nero’s help. She loved working at the shop with Kiki and always looked forward to her next shift. Things were looking up, even if she couldn’t find the right perspective to see it.

It’s going to be hard to sit in front of Dad and try to explain everything, but maybe I won’t have to. He’s impressed I’ve gotten a job, and my grades are getting better. We don’t have to talk about anything else.

Then she remembered him saying he might talk to her tutor. That sent a new bolt of fear through her, and she wasn’t even sure why.

If Nero really was just a gay friend, and Beloved to someone else, it shouldn’t matter if Dad talks to him.

As was happening so often of late, good sense did little to comfort her. She sat up with a sigh, taking a bit of comfort in the blue jays that were lined up on her windowsill. Their bright song was enchanting, their exuberant little expressions beyond adorable. Even though the future loomed unpleasantly, Tiffany was cheered by the little choir.


Tiffany managed to rest a bit more over the course of the afternoon, but she didn’t fall asleep again. It was almost time to head out for her tutoring session with Nero, and every moment that passed lit her blood just a bit hotter.

This is ridiculous, she told herself firmly. He’s a good friend to you and you need good friends. Don’t fuck this up!

Still, she took care as she chose her clothes—a short black skirt with a vibrant purple tank top to go with it. Even though she put on a long-sleeved black blouse over it, the bright color looked fantastic peeking out against the rest of the outfit. She smiled to herself as she put on a bit of silver jewelry, liking the contrast.

I wonder if Nero will like it… She caught the thoughts of longing and immediately admonished herself. She grabbed her things and headed out to the car, much more eager than she wanted to admit.

The closer she got to Nero’s place, the more anxious she grew. It was ridiculous. They were friends. Really good friends too. He cared about her, obviously, and encouraged her to be herself.

He thinks I’m perfect, she thought dreamily. Again, she grabbed her thoughts before they slid off the slippery slope of her rational mind and charged down the icy mountain of self-deception. As she tightened the reins on her fantasies, trying to stop them running wild, her stomach twisted into knots. Nero’s cabin came into view and her nerves were set on fire. Right on cue, a bunch of pale pink butterflies exploded inside the car.

She pulled into his driveway, brushing the butterflies off her face as she hopped out. She took a deep breath and held it, firmly coaching herself that Nero was not her knight in shining armor. He was her friend and a very good one at that.

She couldn’t entertain these silly fantasies—not when it had the potential to ruin a lovely friendship. Besides, she ran the risk of being shattered all over again. She knew he couldn’t return her feelings, and if she didn’t want to get hurt, she had to master herself.

All that good sense worked perfectly until she came to the door. Nero answered it straight away, his eyes welcoming and warm, his smile purely wonderful, relaxed and calm, yet clearly very pleased to see her.

“Hey, Tiffany, come on in.”

Despite her self-chastising, her heart trembled and her knees wobbled. She managed a lopsided smile as she passed through the doorway, trying to quiet her feelings, so she could talk to him in a somewhat normal voice.

Wonderful smells greeted her almost immediately. She raised her head and sniffed appreciatively, her mouth starting to water.

“I’ve almost got dinner

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