100% That Witch - Celia Kyle Page 0,11

filling the room with an array of adorable little woodland creatures at merely being so close to him.

“I bet you can identify with this kind of film. Being a necromancer and all.”

“What does that have to do with Frankenstein?”

“You know! Raising the dead. I think that’s such an amazing ability to have. What’s it like?”

“I dunno. What’s it like being a witch?”

“Incredible,” she said without hesitation. “Especially on the light and love side of the spectrum. Using my abilities to make the world just a little better. It must be the same for you?”

“Maybe. I hadn’t really thought about it like that. Maybe it’d be different if the people we raised stayed up permanently, but…” He tipped up the rest of his glass and reached into his pocket, pulling out a bit of money.

“Oh,” Tiffany said, suddenly aware they were leaving. Her heart tightened a bit at it. “I’ve always liked the word ‘necromancer.’ The fact that ‘romance’ is in there is just…” She heaved a sigh and fluttered her eyelashes up at him.

“Okay.” He rose from his stool and patted his pockets as if making sure he had everything. Taking the hint, Tiffany tipped back the rest of her beer, hoping her prowess at guzzling it down would raise her in his estimation.

He stood politely as she clicked the glass onto the bar, waved at the werewolf who had poured for them, and headed for the door. Out in the cool of the evening, they stood looking at each other.

“Listen,” Rhys said, rubbing his neck again. “Tomorrow is early for me.”

“Oh, um… Of course.” She turned her body in the direction of Hollow House, and looked invitingly at him. Surely he was going to walk her home? But he just stood in place.

This guy is a masterclass in cool. Then a thought occurred to her. Maybe he just likes a girl who takes charge.

With that, she closed the gap between them, put her hands on his chest and stood on her toes to kiss him. No small feat, considering he was well over six feet and she was barely five. But that was exactly why she’d worn her tallest heels.

“Hey,” he said, gently sidestepping her advance. His face was a mask of surprise, and Tiffany just giggled at him, rubbing his bicep in appreciation of his restraint. If he wanted to play it cool, she’d let him, but she also wanted him to know that she wasn’t falling for it.

“You don’t have to play hard to get,” she whispered. “You’ve already got me.”

With a wink, she spun and started to make her way down the sidewalk, putting just a little extra sway in her hips. She considered her backside one of her best features, and she was sure he’d appreciate it.

Looking back over her shoulder to offer a coy little wave, she almost stumbled. Rhys was already walking toward the opposite direction, not watching her ass as she’d hoped. It gave her just a hitch in her step, but she turned around and kept up her sashay.

Now, that’s a gentleman, she thought, ignoring the disappointment in her belly. Not even giving in to the temptation of a free show.

With that, a bunny appeared next to her staggeringly high heels and hopped with her all the way home.


“Oh my god, it was magical!”

Tiffany lolled over the counter and kicked her feet up in a show of pure joy. Sure, there was stocking to be done, but gossiping with Kiki was just so much more fun. Not only that, but Kiki had been several kinds of curious about just how the date had gone.

“Really?” Kiki sounded incredulous, but Tiffany brushed that aside.

“Absolutely.” Planting her feet back on the ground, she couldn’t help wincing, despite wearing her most comfortable flats. Before she could hide her discomfort, Kiki’s sharp eyes caught her out.

“Foot trouble?”

“It’s nothing,” Tiffany insisted, rolling out her ankle. “I wore my fuck-me boots last night. You know the ones.”

“I do,” Kiki said with an appreciative nod.

“They’re great for making an impression, but turns out, they’re not the best choice for walking six blocks to the bar.”

“Oooh!” Now, Kiki leaned forward over the counter and watched as Tiffany pointed and flexed her foot to work out the kinks. “A romantic moonlit walk, huh? That does sound magical.”

“Um, no.” Tiffany faltered ever so slightly. “We actually met at Talbot’s. He had an early morning, so I, uh, saw myself home.”

“Talbots? Like, the tavern?”

Her friend’s startled tone put Tiffany on the defensive, but

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