Zorro (Reapers MC #16) - Elizabeth Knox Page 0,27

scrumptious to leave anything behind.

“Okay, sounds good. Feel free to take a seat at any one of the tables or booths and I’ll bring your stuff out when it’s ready. I’m the only one here tonight, so if we get a little busy please let me apologize in advance.”

“No need to worry. We’re meeting friends here tonight so we’ll make sure to be patient and not pains,” Zorro tells her with a smile while he slides his hand around my hip, he leads me over to a booth in the far corner.

The door rings as we sit down and I lean over to see it’s Shiloh and Hammer. Shiloh waves at me while Hammer has a stoic expression on his face, almost like he’s annoyed to be here. Weird. Figuring he’s just tired after everything that’s happened, I don’t push my luck.

Kelsey greets them and points over in our direction, then a second later they’re both coming our way. Hammer slides in the booth first so he’s sitting across from me, and Shiloh slides in beside him.

“God, it feels nice to get out of the club. I thought we were gonna be down there forever,” Shiloh groans, and I understand her frustrations completely. Sitting down there with all the other women and children, besides my brother, Grim, and Hammer, I found myself counting the small specks in the ceiling to pass the time because my mind was so preoccupied with worrying about Zorro. Most of the ladies seemed to be worrying too, but Shiloh didn’t have a care in the world. Hammer was down there with us so she was sticking around him. The nature of their relationship confuses me, but these two have been getting cozy for a while now according to everyone else.

“Yeah, the time went so slow,” I add, unable to miss how awkward it’s been since Hammer and Shiloh sat down at the table.

“Here’s your coffee, and here’s your macchiato. Did you guys want an app or something while you wait for your food?”

“I won’t ever say no to more food,” Zorro laughs from beside me as he scans his eyes over to the black board. “That cheesy pita bread sounds good.”

“God, it’s my favorite. The best thing you’ll order off the app menu for sure. Okay, so what would you guys like today?” Kelsey finishes speaking to Zorro and looks to Shiloh and Hammer.

“I’d love a white chocolate mocha, and honestly I’m totally eyeing your desserts. I’ll probably order two slices of cake and eat that for dinner.” Shiloh laughs while Kelsey smiles.

“Hey, I don’t blame you there. It’s a good thing I’m gluten intolerant, otherwise I’d be so chunky.” Kelsey giggles lightly, writing down things on a notepad. “So, we have loads of cakes. You take a look up under the glass and let me know what you want, alright?”

“Sure.” Shiloh is eager to get out of the booth and go look at her dinner, so she goes right over.

“What’re you feelin’ tonight, darlin’?” Kelsey asks Hammer.

“That Mediterranean ham sandwich I got last time was bangin’. Mind if I get that?”

“Sure thing! Anything else?”

“No, that’ll be all for me,” Hammer replies with a smile.

“Perfect. I’ll go get everything prepped for you guys and I’ll wait for the young lady to tell me what she wants for her cake slices up at the counter.” Kelsey walks away and disappears behind the L-shaped glass.

Moments of awkward silence pass us by and I find it impossible to avoid. Seriously, I don’t know why these two aren’t saying a word but it’s making me feel super uncomfortable. “Are you two okay?” I ask Hammer and Zorro.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t we be?” Zorro asks with a cocked brow.

“You aren’t saying a word to each other,” I mutter lowly, finding this super odd. The only guys at the club I thought he wasn’t really getting along with were Grim and Axel.

“Zorro and I don’t see eye-to-eye about some shit,” Hammer comments, looking from me to Zorro.

Instantly I’m narrowing my eyes and looking between the two men. “Really? Why would that be?”

Hammer cackles lightly, “I’m sure him bein’ with Shiloh in the past is part of it.”

I’m caught processing what Hammer’s said for a few moments after. “Sorry, what?” I’ve never known that Shiloh and Zorro had a history. Neither of them have ever mentioned it to me, not once.

“You know, Shiloh had a thing when she was a clubwhore with Zorro and your brothers. They shared her or some shit, before

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