Zorro (Reapers MC #16) - Elizabeth Knox Page 0,22

a backpack full of necessary items. Her sister had been kidnapped and the human trafficking picked up in the area where we were living. They finally decided enough was enough and fled. Long story short is we were accepted as Canadian citizens, but it wasn’t an easy road. For many nights we had no dinner, and we were even homeless on the street for a time. It’s crazy she went from a refugee to a very successful woman. Canada treated her so well, but, it wasn’t a great fit for me which is why I’m now living in the United States. I just wish she hadn’t gone back to Mexico. Then she would’ve never been held at gunpoint by Narcos at my grandfather’s store. Luckily, Montana is close enough to them but far enough away.

“Are you going to fuckin’ treat me, or let it get infected?” Gears snarls out in a pathetic cry.

I blink at him once and shake my head. “You really shouldn’t be askin’ me that shit.” Kicking myself off the wall, I walk right up to him and dig my thumb into his shoulder, squeezing as hard as I can while he screams out in pain.

“Motherfucker! Argh!” Gears can probably be heard for miles away. What a pussy.

“Zorro,” Dracus calls out my name from behind me and I pull my thumb out of Gears’ shoulder.

“What’s up, brother? I’m in the middle of something.”

“I can see that, but Zane wants you to take a break. Says you need to sleep and shit.” As much as I want to go back to the club and crawl into bed with her, I can’t bear the thought of leaving this motherfucker alone. I just want to torture him a bit longer until he screams for mercy like the pig he is.

After I wash my hands thoroughly in the sink, I make my way over to the clubhouse and as soon as I make it through the doors, I find a wall to lean up against. I’m someone who constantly prefers to stick to the outer side of the club, I’d rather watch and assess than be in the midst of things.

“Prospect, get the fuck over here,” I snarl, making sure she can hear me from the other end of the club. Frost immediately looks over in my direction and I watch as she quickly gets Zane’s permission before she comes walking over.

“Everything okay?” I question. Most people don’t know this, but she and I have a pretty solid friendship. Most of the fuckers around here aren’t early birds, but I am and Frost is. There’s been quite a few times where we end up sharing coffee in the kitchen together, and those times have led us to know one another pretty well.

She shrugs, but it doesn’t convince me she’s okay. “Yeah.”

“Well that’s bullshit. The fuck is going on with you?”

“You’ll find out soon enough and I’m sure everyone else will too, but Cheyenne is pregnant.”

I stare at her blankly for a moment while I process what she’s said. “Whoa, that’s some heavy shit. Who’s the daddy?”


“Oh fuck. You okay?”

She nods once. “Yeah, it was before we were together, but shit it complicates things and we’re getting to know one another. I mean, I won’t fuck this shit up. This is what people who settle down do, right? Have babies with their girlfriends? So, who says I can’t be an extra mom to this kid if things go well?”

“I like the way you think, always looking for the positivity in everything.” It’s true. Never have I seen her make a negative comment toward something. This is the kind of shit I wish I could do, but I’ve been roughed up by the world too much to give anyone the benefit of the doubt.

“In this situation I need to have some positivity, but, I’d be lying if I said I’m not anxious. What if she decides she’s in love with him or something? You know?”

I don’t try to hide my eye roll from her. “Stop being insane. Those two would never work. They’re like mixing oil and water. Chaz is controlling as fuck and Cheyenne is independent. Do I need to say more?”

She immediately shakes her head. “Thanks for always being on my side.”

“No problem, now I’m gonna need you to be on mine. I’m making a trip to Stonewall in a few weeks.”

Frost’s eyes widen as she realizes where it is, I intend to go. “I thought Dex was handling that,” she

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