Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,58

to me and cast a ball of fire to replenish what I'd lost.

Seth was howling in agony in the trees behind me and their shouts and curses chased me away as I kept running and running, not stopping until I made it back to Ignis House and into my room.

I slammed the door closed and pressed my back to it as my chest heaved and the shadows writhed beneath my skin, making me moan with pleasure in payment for the pain I'd fed them.

But as my rampant heartbeat finally calmed, I forced myself to push them back so that I could think a little more clearly. Just enough to remember the orders I'd been given before returning to this place.

I knew what I had to do. What I'd promised I'd do if I was ever foolish enough to let them get close to me. But as I pulled the glass jar from the bag beneath my bed, my hand began to tremble with fear.

I placed it down in front of me before unknotting my tie with shaking fingers and slipping out of my shirt and blazer next.

I sat cross legged on the floor in my bra and school skirt, eyeing the crackling electricity contained in that jar with a sense of dread that even the shadows couldn't keep away.

I blew out a shaky breath and picked up my Atlas, calling my king and placing it on loudspeaker as I set it down on the carpet beside me.

"What is it?' he snarled as he answered and I flinched at the knowledge that I'd upset him, especially knowing I had to deliver this bad news. “I’m in the middle of dealing with an issue with the Nymphs at Stella’s manor.”

“Can I help?” I asked, hoping he might need me for something and summon me back to him where I belonged.

Lionel sighed irritably before he replied. “Not unless you can come up with a way for them to gain the magic they require without the population noticing that they’ve been killing again.”

“Let’s feed them children,” Clara’s voice came in the background. “Nobody likes children.”

“Go and make yourself busy somewhere, Clara,” Lionel snapped. “I have no use for your nonsense.”

Clara started crying loudly and a cruel smile captured my lips as I heard her running away. Who’s the favourite now, bitch?

“Between her and her useless mother, I’m at my wits’ end,” Lionel growled. “I’ll figure out the solution to this problem myself. Now tell me why you are calling before I lose my temper.”

"I'm sorry, my king. I promised I'd call you if anyone tried to attack me," I said quietly.

"Who attacked you?" Lionel growled, his tone changing to one of interest.

"Darcy. The Heirs. And Gabriel," I said quickly. "I think they were trying to capture me but I managed to use the shadows to escape them."

There was a long pause and I waited for his answer with my heart pounding fear into my veins.

“Gabriel Nox?” he asked curiously. “Why would he involve himself with their foolish attempts?”

An answer came to my lips and I almost spoke the truth of who he was to me, but a moment before I could say the words, the knowledge slipped from my mind again and I couldn’t remember what I’d been going to say. I didn’t care about Gabriel anyway. Only my king. I only loved my king.

“I don’t know,” I breathed and he grunted irritably.

"Well, the main thing is that you got away. But you will have to be punished for allowing them to get you into that position in the first place," Lionel growled.

"I know. I'm sorry," I breathed, eyeing the jar of lightning again as fear washed into me.

"Where are you?" he asked.

"In my room," I replied.

"I'll send someone to come heal you in a few hours. Once you've learned your lesson." His voice was eager now and I took some comfort in that, knowing that at least my suffering would please him.

"Thank you," I murmured, reaching out to pick up the jar.

"Give me a moment to get somewhere private. I need to be sure you do everything exactly the way you promised," he commanded and I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

I waited as the sound of his footsteps filled the speaker and closed my eyes as I listened to him breathing, drinking in the sound like it was giving me life.

"Go ahead," Lionel grunted as a door snapped closed wherever he was and I bit my lip as a shiver of

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