Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,325

your lump of flesh, you piece of shit.”

He considered me with a knowing look that sent a shudder clawing down my spine. “It is not your flesh I crave.”

A grinding of stone sounded behind me and I twisted around, finding Darcy stepping out of the door in her sweatpants and crop top.

The crowd gasped and clapped, pointing between us as they discussed whatever lies they believed about us. But they knew nothing.

“Gwendalina Vega made an attempt on my life last night,” Lionel called to the crowd who bayed and shouted angrily.

My heart crushed in my chest as Darcy lifted her chin defiantly, glaring at the worthless man who dared to call himself king. I shot to her side and our hands clasped together automatically, making the crowd angrier as they booed and swore at us.

“Today, this traitor of the crown dies!” Lionel boomed and Tory jerked forward once more, her eyes full of terror, but Clara forced her back again. “Do you dare to speak in your defence, Gwendalina Vega?”

Her fingers tightened on mine and her upper lip peeled back, her expression that of a fearless warrior. I nearly burst with pride to be standing beside her. If she died today, so would I. I wouldn’t stay a single second longer in this world without her. But even considering that fate for her was unbearable. And I would do everything in my power to stop it.

“You are unFae and unworthy to sit on my father’s throne,” Darcy called, her voice ringing around the amphitheatre. “I know what you did, I know how you Dark Coerced Hail Vega, how you poisoned his mind and turned him against his own people.”

The crowd started muttering, exchanging curious glances and Lionel sat up straighter in his seat.

“Your father was a heartless, mindless fool, and no true Fae would ever bow to his filthy bloodline ever again,” Lionel growled.

“All hail the Dragon King!” Vard cried and an answering call fell from the lips of everyone in the stands.

“All hail the Vega Queens!” I bellowed in response and dropped to my knees, bowing for my queens in an act of rebellion which would likely be my last.

“Release the Nymphs!” Lionel roared and the cages clanged as they opened all around us. Darcy yanked on my sleeve to get me up and I stood, pulling her closer as my heart thundered against my ribcage.

“Any chance they awakened your Order, beautiful?” I murmured and she shook her head. Fuck. “You’d better get on my back then.”

She lunged toward me, tiptoeing up and kissing me fiercely for two short, sweet seconds before running around and climbing onto my back. And something told me that might be my last good moment in this world.

“I love you, Lance,” she whispered in my ear and her words filled me all with the strength I needed to face down the five Nymphs coming our way.

I shot to the centre of the arena, hefting the bat into my grip and tucking the knife into my waistband. I knew the odds of this game were vastly weighed against us. But I would fight until my very last breath to keep my girl safe. Death would have to try and rip her from my arms itself if it wanted her, and even then, I would not let go.

T he stars spat us out in the middle of a sweltering jungle and I sucked in a breath of the humid air as Gabriel started off through the trees at a fast pace.

"There are still ancient wards around this place," he said without looking back at me. "But they allowed me to pass them by and I've seen you entering them too. I just thought I should warn you, because you'll know all about it when you pass through them."

"Okay," I agreed, striding after him as he used his earth Element to force the foliage to part for us, creating a path through the dense jungle.

I stripped out of my heavy suit jacket as I walked, tossing it aside without a care before ripping the fucking cravat off too. It was sweltering here and I didn't want to wear the fucking thing anyway, it was only a reminder of the twisted fate I’d just managed to escape.

"You're sure this is where we need to be?" I asked anxiously, hating that I was so far from the people I loved most in this world when they obviously needed my help.

"This is one of the clearest visions I've ever had.

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