Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,312

pushed it wide for my father with a simpering bow and the man who had sired me strode into the room. But instead of Roxy walking in by his side like she did every morning that she stayed here in the palace, he came alone. Even Clara was absent, and the strangeness of that fact put me on edge immediately.

"Oh no, boys, don't stand on account of your father," he said disdainfully as neither I nor Xavier made the slightest attempt to move from our positions sitting over our plates of food. "I'm just the man who gifted you life, who brought you into this world, who raised you to be strong and fearless and take what is yours like a true Fae. I'm only the one who gave you the shadows and elevated you above all others. Just the man who has assured that you will be king in my place one day, Darius."

"Where's Roxy?" I asked, ignoring his bullshit rant. I hadn't asked for a single one of those things from him and he knew it.

Xavier straightened beside me and put a hand on my shoulder in warning, but I didn't care if I was punished for my insolence. I needed to see my girl.

Father clucked his tongue and sighed heavily as he moved to take a seat directly opposite me.

"Merry Christmas, Darius," he said with a cruel smile. "Wouldn't you like to know what your gift is?"

A growl built in my throat as I met his gaze, the Dragon in me shifting uncomfortably like it had already figured out what he was talking about even while I stayed rooted in my position, having no idea.

"I don't want anything from you," I replied but his smile only grew as he slowly took his Atlas from his pocket and placed it on the table before sliding it towards me.

"Last night was very interesting for me," he said casually, brushing some invisible speck of dirt from his cuff before levelling me with that hungry look again. "So many lies brought to light. It got me thinking about the things I need to do to secure my hold on the throne."

"Like what?" Xavier breathed and Father shot him a disgusted look like he'd only just realised his second son was here at all.

"Do not speak unless you are spoken to, horse," he snarled before his gaze flicked back to me.

"Don't talk to him like that," I growled, my eyes flickering to reptilian slits and back as the beast in me hungered for his blood.

"It's fine," Xavier insisted, gripping my arm like he thought I might lunge across the table at the scum sitting before me, but I hadn't entirely lost control yet.

"You would do well to remember that I am not above filicide. The unsightly specimen beside you is not and never will be an Heir of mine. He may have my blood running thick and fast in his veins, but his worth has been lost with this twisted curse sent from the stars. No Heir of mine will pass on equine DNA. You are just lucky that you are my son, Xavier, because believe me, when I had it checked, I was hoping to find out you weren't. And then I would have drowned you like the runt you clearly are."

I slammed my fist down on the table with a loud bang as I pushed out of my chair and growled at him, a clear challenge in my gaze.

"You don't speak about him like that," I snarled as Father surveyed me with a wild glint in his eyes.

"You, on the other hand, Darius are a truly fine specimen, aren't you?" he commented, looking over my huge frame and smiling to himself like he could claim all responsibility for everything I was and call it his own accomplishment.

"Apologise to Xavier," I demanded, but I may as well have been talking to myself because he just went on with his fucking monologue.

"Tall, broad, stronger than any other Fae physically and magically, ferocious and bloodthirsty, single minded and cruel," he listed as if those words could sum up the total of what I was. "And above all, powerful. Almost powerful enough to rival me in fact."

"You and I both know I outmatch you," I said in a dangerous tone as I leaned forward over the table. "You'd be dead by my hand if you hadn't used Clara to save your miserable life."

"Power comes in many forms, son," he replied with a shrug of

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