Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,192

neck as I gazed up towards Darcy’s room. What if she’s fucking him right now? I’m definitely going to break stuff. The window. Seth’s neck. Any semblance of respect Darcy still has for me.

Oh fuck. I gazed at the stars, shaking my head at them. You wouldn’t do that to me. Come on, I’ve suffered enough, haven’t I? Don’t let her be fucking him. I’ll make a deal with you right now. You can have a limb. Any limb. Just pick a limb.

The glittery shitbags remained deathly quietly, but I had the feeling they were laughing at me. Yeah, it must have looked so fucking funny all the way up there. With their shiny pals all placing bets on which Fae would crack first under their bullshit. Well the joke’s on you guys, I cracked a long time ago.


“Ahh!” a girl screamed bloody murder and I dropped my head, finding Kylie Major stepping out of the tower, her snake hair bursting from the crown of her head and standing on end in fright.

My heart lurched and I whipped my hand out on a knee jerk reaction, sending her flying away on an enormous breeze. She was thrown in the direction of The Wailing Wood and her screams faded into the distance as she cartwheeled through the sky.

She’d dropped a mirror in her wake and I hurried forward, picking it up and checking my reflection. Oh shit. I looked like a deranged yeti with a glittering horn poking out the centre of my face and huge fangs peeking out of my mouth.

I stared in the direction I’d launched Kylie, sure I could still hear her screams carrying to me.

I have no regrets.

I dropped the mirror and darted around the tower before using air magic to shoot myself up it at fifty miles an hour. I landed on Darcy’s windowsill with surprising grace, then gazed inside, cloaking myself in an illusion of shadow as my eyes fell on the bed. The covers were pulled over a couple fucking like rabbits and my breathing grew out of control as I became nothing but a carnivorous beast looking for its next kill. I was about to force the window open and kill Seth with my bare hands, when the covers were thrown back and I realised it wasn’t them at all. Just a couple of dudes having the time of their lives. Oh, wrong room.

I carried myself up another level, figuring out where I was then landing on the next windowsill along.

A spill of blue hair made my gut clench and I gazed in at her curled up in bed between the paws of a white Wolf. My heart fractured and my body deflated as I watched them together. My eyes tracked over her face, her expression taut like she was trapped in a painful nightmare, but then Seth nuzzled into her in his sleep and the tension in her features eased.

“Blue…” I rasped, inching forward, pressing my hand to the glass as I prepared to smash my way in there and make the Wolf bleed and hurt and beg for a mercy I was never going to give.

But then a moment of clarity gripped me.

I couldn’t go in there. I’d lost the right to do that when I’d given her up. When I’d given up everything. And no matter how much I wanted to destroy Seth for this – and I really, really fucking did - I couldn’t. I’d forced her away. Told her to move on. I’d just never been prepared for the fact that she’d actually listen.

I hadn’t thought my heart could break any more than it already had, but apparently there was a little left of it still to shatter.

I turned and jumped off of the ledge, lowering myself down with my air magic and hitting the ground running. There was only one place I wanted to be now. I ran to Ignis House, casting myself up to Darius’s room on a gust of air and feeling myself slip through his wards as they allowed me access. I pushed his window open, dropping into his room and he shot upright in bed with flames roaring in his palms.

“Who are you?!” he bellowed, his face twisting in horror at the sight of me. He launched the flames at me and I threw out a blast of water to douse them before they could burn me to dust.

“Darius,” I snapped. “It’s me.”

“Lance?” he gasped in confusion and I nodded. “By the fucking

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