Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,176

gain the advantage he needed over the other Councillors. It made me sick to know he'd achieved all of that. And that my father may never have known he wasn’t a monster.

His grip tightened until I couldn't draw breath and light flared in his eyes before he released me just as suddenly as he'd grabbed me and turned to take Catalina's arm once more.

I had to bite my tongue so hard against all the things I wanted to say to this lying, scheming sack of shit that I made it bleed and that was still only just enough to keep me quiet.

We headed out into the gardens where the path had been lit up with such a beautiful use of fire magic that I was offered the distraction I needed to pull myself together just by looking at it. The flames burned in a thousand different complicated shapes and patterns, and when we reached the enormous pavilion where the ball was being held, I couldn't help but stare at the life sized Dragon crafted from flames which perched upon the roof.

My magic flared hungrily as it was recharged by so much fire all around me and I followed Lionel and Catalina up into the pavilion, feeling slightly calmer thanks to the distraction, glad that I didn't have to call on the shadows.

A herald announced Lionel's arrival like the pretentious douche he was and to my disgust every fucker standing in the beautiful wooden structure bowed low for their king.

Lionel preened like an overstuffed peacock as the first of the simpering sycophants rushed over to join us and my gaze fell on a giant of a man as he lumbered forward. In fact, every fucker here was huge, I guessed on account of the fact that they were Dragons.

"Ah, Christopher," Lionel greeted warmly as the big motherfucker tilted his head in acknowledgement of his king. "I was hoping to have a discussion with you later about the Minotaurs living in your part of the kingdom.”

"Of course," the Dragon replied, licking his lips and running his beady eyes all over Catalina without an inch of shame. "I'd be more than happy to help you rid Solaria of the vermin who have been holding us back for so long."

"Good," Lionel said. "Because there are a few favours I need of you and it would be most helpful if you could see to it that they were done sooner rather than later. Of course, I would reward you greatly for your help in this matter."

Christopher agreed to speak with him more later and another Dragon stepped forward, this one eyeing me warily as he bowed to Lionel.

"Your Highness," he said crisply, his black beard moving just enough to show he'd spoken. His eyes darted my way again and Lionel sighed.

"I'll come and speak with you alone soon, Tomas," he said. "Once my Guardian is otherwise occupied."

The bearded Dragon seemed pleased by that suggestion, bowing low before heading away and Lionel cut me an irritated look as if it was my fault his followers didn't like me being here. Technically, this was supposed to be Dragons only, but he'd said it was customary for Guardians to be allowed to attend too. It just didn't seem like the other Dragons were all too pleased about it.

I looked towards the next Dragon who was ushered up to approach us and had to hide a smile as I recognised Dante Oscura, pleased to find that there was at least one marginally more likeable person here than I'd expected. He was huge like all the other Fae here, but he wasn’t like them at all somehow with his gold jewellery and causally swept back black hair, the few buttons left open at his throat and a general aura of not wanting to be here. He stood out in all the best ways and I was fairly certain he was someone I could call a friend. Or at least I could have before Lionel got his claws into me.

"Good evening, bella," Dante purred, his Faetalian accent dripping over his words as he smiled at me then turned his attention to Catalina. "And of course the Dragon Queen is looking beautiful as always." Catalina smiled graciously and thanked him as Lionel bristled at being left until last. "And finally, my lord and over-ruler, King of all of Solaria and the most powerful Fae I know," Dante said finally, his words oozing disdain and I noticed he didn't bow either.

"I hear congratulations

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