Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,165

could join in - no matter how much wealth and prestige had come attached to her family name, she really had no desire to become a carbon copy of every other vapid heiress I'd ever met. Roxanya Vega was the kind of girl who pick pocketed from strangers to survive and rode fast motorcycles while calling mean bastards out on their shit and making no apologies for who she was. And I was thoroughly addicted to finding out everything about who that might be.

"Good. Because that ass of yours isn't destined to sit on the throne, so I wouldn't want you getting any crazy ideas about being above me," I taunted and her brows went up as she shook her head at me.

"So cocky, Dragon boy," she said, backing up and tugging her hand back like she was going to pull it from my grasp, but I tightened my hold, ignoring the gasp of fear that escaped her lips as I dragged her after me along the street.

"Come on," I urged as she hesitated. "If I don't feed you fast you're gonna keep running your mouth at me and I'll have to put you on your ass to remind you which one of us is more powerful."

She scoffed indignantly but let me tug her through the crowd and away from the tourist trap as we headed down side streets and I tried to remember where I was going. It had been a few years since me and the Heirs had come here for a night out, but we used to do it fairly frequently just to get a night off of everyone knowing who we were. Of course, Cal and Max had always made sure that we went to the best, most exclusive places in the city whenever we came, but I'd found a few more interesting places here too.

We finally spilled out onto another street and I tugged her along to the Mexican restaurant which was so packed that people were spilling out onto the street with food in their hands.

Roxy groaned longingly as I led her up to the door and I released her hand as the first spots of rain fell from the clouds and people around us cursed in frustration. The crowd may have been helping us to hide, but the stars were clearly taking note now and I’d been holding her hand for too damn long.

"It's over an hour wait," a server called as she passed us by, carrying a tray with two pitchers of beer and a plate of nachos on it.

I glanced at Roxy as she pouted, giving a woman's half eaten burrito a longing look. My girl wasn’t going to wait for a minute, let alone a fucking hour.

"Not good enough," I said, striding inside to follow the waitress through the brightly lit restaurant.

The walls were painted a deep red colour and there were paintings of brightly coloured skulls hanging all around the place. There were tables packed end to end and little booths lining the far wall while loud music blared out over an even louder crowd.

As the waitress reached a couple in the back corner of the room and placed the beers and nachos down, I caught her arm.

"This is our food," I said, lacing my voice with Coercion as she widened her eyes on me. "These people were just leaving," I added, looking to the couple and including them in my command.

Mortals had such open, malleable brains that it was no effort at all to get them to bend to my will. Maybe that made me a dick, but that was hardly news to me.

I couldn't even bring myself to give a shit about screwing them over as they scrambled away either. My girl was hungry and she wasn't gonna wait in line like some regular fucker.

I looked back around towards the door and beckoned her in as she rolled her eyes at me like I was a total douchebag. Any other girl would be falling at my feet if I'd done that for her, but Roxanya Vega somehow managed to call me an entitled prick with a roll of her eyes and I found myself loving every second of her disdain.

"Two bean and cheese burritos," I said to the waitress as I gave her my attention again for a moment, ordering the meal Roxy had been salivating over. "Plus every side you've got on offer and some tequila. Don’t make us wait."

The girl nodded, her brow furrowing in

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