Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,160

I just saw you and I wanted you. And when I did see Darcy and I realised who you were I was just so fucking angry. Because I knew I couldn't have you."

She scoffed lightly, glancing back at the rain as the storm howled outside and I knew we were seriously pushing our luck with the stars now, but I couldn't bear to walk away from her. Because that sound, that dismissive scoff and the way her posture had tightened the smallest amount was her. Not the fucked up version my father had tried to twist her into. That was my girl, calling me on my bullshit the moment I tried to give her it and I couldn't help but smile just a little as I saw that glimpse of herself.

"What?" I asked.

"That's just so typical of you," she said, looking at me again as thunder boomed overhead. "You assumed the only reason you couldn't have me was because I had Vega blood. You do realise you couldn't have just taken me if I was some normal Fae though, right? You're supposed to ask people if they want to be yours, not just expect them to fall at your feet."

"Is that so?" I asked, my voice teasing as I pretended to consider it like that was brand new information to me.

Roxy almost smiled then shrugged and turned to open the door. "I should go before the stars send a lightning bolt to destroy this entire place," she said, but she glanced back at me like she was holding back on saying something else and I stepped closer.

Just as I was trying to come up with some excuse to stop her leaving, an excited howl came from the stairs and Roxy stepped back as Seth bounded in in his Wolf form, a blur of movement following him a second later as Caleb leapt after him.

The two of them crashed into the coffee table so hard that it broke beneath their weight and I moved in front of Roxy defensively as Seth shifted back into his Fae form and the two of them started wrestling.

Seth was kicking and punching while snarling aggressively as Cal managed to get on top of him, taking a punch to the face before catching Seth's fist in his grip and sinking his fangs into his wrist before he could pull back.

Seth growled but it turned into a groan as Caleb reared over him, holding his wrist to his mouth with one hand, drinking his blood while pressing his other hand down on Seth's chest to keep him in place.

"Are you seriously still doing that hunting shit after how wrong it went with Roxy the last time?" I demanded, taking a step towards them, but Roxy caught my arm and I fell still as I glanced around at her in surprise.

Caleb looked up at me while he drank, his eyes filled with bloodlust as he snarled over his meal and Seth groaned again, shaking his head.

"This is on me," he muttered. "I keep making him do it. Don't be an asshole to him."

I arched a brow, not buying that shit for a moment, but Roxy's fingers were moving over the Libra mark on my arm and my attention was seriously wavering.

Caleb finally finished his fucking meal and took his fangs from Seth's wrist before standing up and offering me a guilty look as he licked the blood from his lips.

"It's not like before," he muttered, casting a guilty look at Roxy which made me bristle. "Seth is strong enough to take me on. And I don't wanna hunt weaker Fae than me anymore. It's more dangerous doing that than going up against someone on my level."

"You could just drink from willing victims like you always used to," I suggested.

Seth replied before Caleb could, pulling on some sweats and rearranging his junk inside them as he turned to narrow his eyes at me. "Yeah, and I could tie a chain around your neck and you could just fly in small circles around campus instead of flying off for miles and miles. Stop being a kill joy, Darius. You’re trying to supress his Order instincts and it’s bullshit."

"Fine," I grunted, my attention more on the girl who was touching my arm now anyway, though the intensity of the storm was picking up and I knew I'd have to pull away soon. "Just make sure you're not being dumb about it."

"Maybe you could let me hunt you some time and find

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