Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,125

goodbye to Geraldine and Angelica, running out of the lagoon in my sweatpants and crop top, parting the waterfall with a wave of my hand and letting my wings spread out from my back. I took off into the sky, fire rushing along my limbs as I swept through the cold air and took a winding route toward the outer fence where I could get past the wards. I was always careful to land far enough away from it and jog the last few hundred yards on foot though, just in case I was being watched.

I found Tory and Gabriel waiting for me on the other side of the fence and I crushed Tory in another hug as she laughed. She was thinner than she had been and sadder too, but I knew the girl I loved was still here and we’d soon figure out how to make Lionel pay for everything he’d done to her. I just hoped I could help to banish that haunted look in her eyes as soon as she was ready to open up to me. Gabriel tossed stardust over us and we were transported through the stars in a tunnel of twisting light.

We arrived out at the canyon where Gabriel had first taught us to fly in the incredible jungle of Baruvia. Tory took my hand and Gabriel’s on her other side, dragging us toward the edge of the canyon with a look of determination. My stomach lifted and adrenaline rushed through my veins as we all ran flat out and dove over the edge.

We free fell fast, our screams echoing around the canyon and making a flock of birds take off from the trees far below. My wings burst free the same time Tory’s did and Gabriel fell a few more seconds before shifting himself.

I laughed as Tory flew around me in circles, the smile on her face filling me up with purest sunlight. I had missed her so damn much, and I was never going to get tired of seeing her smiling.

Gabriel rushed up between us and sped towards the azure sky far above. Tory and I shared a grin before shooting after him, taking chase. We climbed higher and higher, the feel of the sun on my skin like a balm on my soul.

Through all the darkness, I’d finally found something good to hold onto. My brother, my sister, my friends. I would never take any of them for granted. And Lionel had better enjoy his time on the throne while it lasted, because the true queens would soon be coming to take it back.

S tepping out of King's Hollow for my first day back at school since I'd been brought back to myself felt like slipping from one reality to the next. I couldn't be myself anymore. But I wasn't Lionel's pet version of myself either. Even my memories of the time I'd spent serving Lionel's goals were thick with a fog of shadows over them and it was hard for me to fully recall the way I'd been behaving. Not to mention the idea of taking part in K.U.N.T. enforcement made my stomach turn. Fuck my life.

I adjusted my blazer as I walked, the material feeling claustrophobic as I drew in a long breath then released it again.

"Are you sure you're okay to do this?" Darcy murmured, taking my hand and giving my fingers a squeeze.

"I'm the asshole who went running right into Lionel's trap, remember?" I teased, though my gut knotted with anxiety. Not only that but Diego had died too and if I’d just done more to confirm that Darcy really had been missing then neither of us would have walked into that trap. I may never have ended up in Lionel’s clutches and Diego might still be alive. "I brought this on myself."

"Don't say that, Tor," Darcy breathed and I shrugged.

"At least I'm in the perfect position to spy on him now," I said, trying to remind myself of all the reasons I had to give myself to this role completely. "Besides, shadow Tory was a total dick - it's not that much of a leap for me to embrace her nature."

"Stop that," Darcy laughed, slapping my arm as I smirked at her. It felt good to joke about it even if I was internally shitting myself.

"It's true. And maybe I can channel that dickish behaviour onto some people who deserve it while I'm working undercover."

"Just don't take any risks. And remember, we can meet back

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