Zero Forks - Cat Johnson Page 0,57

in his absence. He was a truly good guy . . . and that made cutting things completely off with him both harder and more necessary.

He’d be easy to fall for. And I definitely could not let myself do that.

The buzzing of my cell phone in the pocket of my robe had me frowning. It was early for calls. Maybe it was Boone.

I struggled to get it out and glanced at the screen.

It was an unknown number, which, normally, I would ignore. Except for now. I remembered a call from Liza could come from anywhere.

I rushed to answer it as I walked into the living room for some privacy. “Hello?”

“Hey. Sorry. I just did the math on the time change and realized how early it is there,” Liza said.

“It’s fine. I’m up. It’s a workday.”

“I’m glad I didn’t wake you. But I’m guessing Stewie’s still asleep.”

“Yeah. You guessed correctly. I can wake him—”

“No. Don’t. Let him sleep.”

My poor sister had managed only two calls with her son in the last week. I knew that must be killing her.

That alone should have made me feel less sorry for myself. Less sad that I had to end it with my ridiculously young lover.

I cringed at the word but that’s what he was. Was. Past tense. That word sucked too.

“So tell me what’s happening in good old Mudville,” Liza said.

“Not much. Although I don’t get out around here much with work. Apparently, there’s some sort of fall festival coming up. Food. Music. It sounds kind of like a county fair.”

“Ooo, that sounds fun. I bet Stewie would love that. Are you going?”

“Yeah. I guess I should take him over for a little while.”

“Don’t sound so enthusiastic about it, Aunt Sarah.” Liza’s comment dripped with sarcasm.

“I’m sorry. It has nothing to do with Stewie. I love spending time with him. Really.”

“Then what’s up?”

I sighed. “I did something stupid and now I’m paying the price.”


“It’s nothing. Don’t waste your phone call on my drama.”

“My phone call, my choice. Spill.”

My sister was my best friend. Even with the age gap between us. If I did talk to anyone about Boone it would be her.

Finally I gave in. “So I kind of, um, fell for the male nanny who happens to be younger than you are.”

“Oh. My. God. Tell me more.”

I let out a sad laugh. “There’s nothing to tell. It was over almost as soon as it began. We were out last night and I heard some girls his age commenting about how I was too old to be with him. That was all it took. All of my insecurities came flying back. About me, and Greg, and how I might be unlovable.”

My voice cracked on the last word as the tears began to flow.

I drew in a shaky breath. “Jesus, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I’m so emotional.”

“Don’t you dare apologize. First of all, if this younger guy is into you and you’re into him, who the hell cares how old you are or he is? Second, but no less important, you are not unlovable. That ex-boyfriend of yours is a self-centered, ball-less asshole who doesn’t know a good thing when he has it.”

Thoughts of the swear jar on the kitchen counter flew into my mind as I listened to Liza’s profanity-laced rant. That, of course, brought to mind Boone, which only made my tears fall faster.

I swiped away the dampness on my cheeks. “There’s more. Our favorite cousin is getting married.” That was a joke because Liza knew there had always been a bit of a rivalry between me and June.

“Ugh. I’m glad I’m away.”

I snorted. “Yeah, sad but true, you’re the lucky one being deployed. Of course, I have to go. And Greg and the groom are friends so . . .”

“The asshole is going to be there,” Liza finished my sentence.

“Yup.” I let out a teary laugh. “Nothing like seeing the guy who dumped you a mere six months ago after you dated for four years at a family wedding. Every relative there who knows is going to pity me. And those who don’t know will be asking when I’m going to finally get married and have kids before all my eggs are old and dead.”

“Hey, you’re welcome to bring Stewie and pretend he’s yours.”

“I might have considered that, except June specified no children.”

“What a bitch,” Liza spat.

“Yup,” I agreed.

“When is this stupid wedding?” she asked.

So much had been happening in my life, it took me a second to remember Copyright 2016 - 2024