Zero Forks - Cat Johnson Page 0,55

me to get away from those judgmental bitches, even if what they said was the truth.

They were right. I was too old for Boone. The more I thought about it, the clearer it became.

“Hey. Everything work out okay in there?” Boone smiled as I plopped Stewie in his chair and sat heavily myself, my shaky legs giving way beneath me.

“Everything’s fine.” Not making eye-contact with either Boone or Stone, I concentrated on pulling the packet of wipes out of my bag.

I tore one out, wiping Stewie’s outspread hands probably harder than I needed to.

“So Stone was just saying how you and Stewie need to come to the party we’re going to have after Autumn Fest,” Boone said.

“I don’t know what that is,” I said, tossing the wadded up used wipe on the table and wishing the waitress would bring the bill so we could go.

“It’s a big town festival that’s held at the farm in September. There’s vendors and a band and animal rides. But it ends early and since it’s a hell—” Stone’s gaze moved to Stewie as he cut himself off. “Heck of a lot of work, this year we decided to have a little celebration after it’s over. Just friends and family.”

I glanced at Boone. “That’s fine. You can go. Take the night off. I’ll watch Stewie.”

“There’ll be kids there. You and Stewie can both come. With me,” Boone explained.

“No. I don’t think that would be appropriate. But you go be with your friends and family. It’s not a problem. Really.”

I watched Stone react, his brows shooting up before he glanced at Boone. “Um, looks like my take-out order is ready. Nice meeting you, Sarah.”

“You too.” I managed the nicety though my heart was breaking.

The confusion on Boone’s face told me he was thrown by my answer. I suppose I couldn’t blame him. I had let the lines get blurred.

Not anymore. That was over.

Now we were back to being boss and employee again. It was how it should have been all along. That was just the way it would have to be again.



I got Stewie cleaned up and to bed in record time and went in search of Sarah to find out what the hell was going on.

What had caused that one-eighty at the bar?

She wasn’t downstairs but her car was in the driveway. That meant she was in her bedroom. I strode up the stairs and found her door closed.

That wasn’t going to stop me. I knocked, hard and loud and for long enough I knew there was no way she could pretend not to hear me.

I was going to fix whatever was wrong. But I couldn’t do that if I didn’t know what that was.

Finally I heard the knob jiggle. She pulled the door open and stood in the open doorway.

I reached out for her. She took a step back, out of my reach, and I swear I heard the crack of my heart breaking. “Sarah—”

“Look, Boone. I know things went a little too far between us and that’s my fault. But I think it’s time we go back to the way we were. Employer. Employee.”

My mouth dropped open in shock. None of it made sense.

Frowning, I shook my head, trying to reason out what went wrong. “Did something happen?”

“No. No. It’s just I realized I made a mistake. And that’s on me. I still want you to watch Stewie. Nothing’s changed.”

What was she talking about? Everything had changed.

“Oh, and I think in light of the circumstances, it would probably be better if you didn’t come to the wedding with me.”


I’d been dumped before. But I never imagined how badly it could hurt. Until now.

“Yeah. Okay.” I stood there for a second trying to process what had happened. I couldn’t even begin to do that. But I knew one thing. I had to get out of this house. “Um, Stewie is in bed. Can I take off for a little bit?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you.” I turned to go.


I glanced back, hopeful.

“Thank you for dinner.”

A short bitter laugh slipped out before I could stop it. “Sure. Anytime.”

My keys and my wallet were both still in my pocket. I didn’t need anything else. Without looking back, I made a beeline to the front door and then to my truck. I suppose I could have gone to the bar and drank away my piss-poor mood.

I wasn’t in the state of mind for a crowd so instead, I headed home. Stepping through the back door, I realized I’d chosen wrong, Copyright 2016 - 2024