Zero Forks - Cat Johnson Page 0,32

squirrel or something so I held tight to the collar of his little shirt.

Once we’d pushed through the door of the bakery, I could relax. Stewie was contained and, judging by the way he ran for the glass display case, I didn’t have to worry about him trying to leave here anytime soon.

There were reinforcements inside who’d help me corral the boy if needed. Red, who was dating Cash, and Harper, who was dating Stone, stood on one side of the counter, while Bethany remained behind it.

Bethany’s gaze traveled between me and Stewie. “Hey, Boone. Anything you wanna tell us?”

I lifted my hands and let them drop in frustration. “Why does everyone jump to the assumption he’s mine?”

Red held up one finger. “I’d like it noted I didn’t assume he was yours.”

“Because I’m sure Cash already told you everything.” I scowled at Red and then shot Harper a glance. “I’m sure you already know too, but from Stone.”

Harper nodded. “Yes. And I’m watching the situation between you and his aunt with much interest.”

“I hadn’t heard.” Bethany pouted.

“We’ll fill you in later,” Red said, before turning toward me. “And welcome to our world, Boone. You and this mystery woman get to be in Harper’s next book, just like the rest of us have been.”

Harper shrugged. “Sorry. It’s just one of the hazards of being friends with a romance writer, I guess.”

I knew the truth of that. Stone. Cash. Both had ended up as thinly veiled characters in Harper’s books. It had been funny when it was my brothers. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about it when it was me.

More importantly, I suspected Sarah wouldn’t like it at all. Not one little bit.

As her nanny, it was my job to protect her as well as Stewie. Time to get Harper off the trail. Although like my grandpa’s old hound when I’d been little, I figured once Harper had caught a scent, there was no getting her off it.

Still, I had to try.

“That’s crazy. Why would you assume there’s going to be any romance between me and Sarah?” I asked, making it sound like a ridiculous proposition, even if it was my goal.

Bethany cocked up one brow. “I’ll leave that to you to figure out. In the meantime, aren’t you going to introduce me to your little friend here?”

She walked around the counter and squatted in front of Stewie.

“Hi. I’m Bethany. What’s your name?”

“Stewie,” he said without taking his hands—or the now crushed candy bar—off the glass.

“Well, Stewie, it’s very nice to meet you. Do you want a cookie?” she asked.

I frowned. “Shouldn’t you ask the adult responsible for him if he can have a cookie before dinner?”

“The same responsible adult who obviously gave him a candy bar?” she lobbed back.

I had no response to that. I had been in a pretty good mood before these three women got in my way. Now, not so much.

But Bethany was a friend, and she was dating Brandon—who was currently Sarah’s landlord—so I had to put up with her teasing. And all the rest of them too, I guessed.

Bethany handed Stewie a cookie, and offered to take the squashed, still wrapped candy bar so he could use both hands, before she stood and looked to me. “So, can I get you anything or are you just visiting.”

Now, under the watchful eye of the three women, I was second guessing my decision to treat Sarah to honey buns after dinner. They’d read it as a romantic gesture, which it could be. But hell, it could also just be dessert. It didn’t have to have any deeper meaning than that.

Fuck it. I was getting what I came for. “Three honey buns please.”

“You got it.” Bethany moved behind the counter and grabbed a box.

There were no more words spoken but I felt all of the unspoken ones radiating from the women. They were so different in appearance but the three were obviously united in their assumptions about me trying to woo Sarah with sweets.

Fine. Let them think what they wanted. I didn’t give a fuck. Sarah and I were going to have a nice dinner and dessert.

Stewie too, if he could eat anything after all the sweets I’d fed him. Maybe I wasn’t such a stellar nanny after all.

Oh, well. What was done was done. I’d do better with Stewie’s snacks tomorrow. And what Sarah didn’t know about the cookie, wouldn’t hurt her.

“Hi, Boone. Hey, Stewie.”

I spun at the sound of Sarah’s voice behind me, just as I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024