Zero Forks - Cat Johnson Page 0,15

work from home.”

She lifted a brow. “I’ll take that under advisement.”

“Good. You should.” I set my glass down and pushed off the counter. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a dog to round up.”

I found Romeo curled up, asleep on the carpet in front of the glass double french doors to the back yard.

No surprise, he was out like a light. Stewie had run him around pretty good. I had no doubt if I snuck upstairs, I’d find the kid sleeping just as soundly as the dog. And I wanted to keep it that way.

Nothing ruined the potential for romance between two adults enjoying an evening together more than a kid.

But as I sprinted for the door and yanked it open before Cash rang the bell and woke the kid, I realized one other thing might ruin the evening, other than Stewie waking up. That was my nosy brother Cash. And his sidekick, the newest member of my family, Bart.

“Well, well, well. Look at you, playing lord of the manor.” Cash cocked a brow high and glanced past me. “So, where is she?”

“Who?” I could play dumb as well as the next guy.

“Your girl.” Bart grinned, jumping right on board with Cash’s teasing. Though I had to admit, I didn’t hate the idea of them calling Sarah my girl.

She might object though. I glanced back to make sure she was still out of ear shot.

“Brandon’s renter is in the kitchen. I’ll go get your dog so you two can get home. He’s asleep by the back door.”

“You should have just kept him here for the night,” Cash suggested.

Bart’s head looked like it was on a swivel as he spun to frown at Cash. “No. He sleeps with me.”

Cash held up his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. We’ll get him.”

“No, I’ll get—” Before I could tell him I’d get Romeo, Cash had pushed past me and was strutting toward the kitchen.


I tore after them but dammit if they weren’t fast.

By the time I reached the kitchen, Bart and Cash had Sarah surrounded.

Judging by her wide-eyed glance at me, she was as shocked by the sudden appearance of my family as I was.

I took another step forward, hoping and failing to get between them as Cash extended his hand to Sarah.

“I’m Cashel Morgan. This kid’s older brother.” Cash hooked a thumb toward me before tipping his head toward Bart. “And this is Bart.”

As much as I loved Bart being part of our family now, whether that turned out to be temporary or permanent, I did not love these two butting into my business—or my pleasure—here with Sarah.

And I really hated Cash calling me a kid. Especially in front of Sarah.

Bart went right over to sit on the doormat next to the now awake Romeo, his tail thumping happily against the floor. That left only Cash for me to deal with.

“So, how long has Boone been hiding you away here?” Cash asked.

Sarah opened her mouth and then closed it again, rendered speechless by Cash’s inappropriate question.

I didn’t blame her for being overwhelmed. Cash was a lot to handle. Especially for those not related to him.

“Ignore my brother. It’s none of his business.”

“No, but she’s your business, isn’t she?” He smirked.

Sarah didn’t have a chance to respond to that, thank God, because her cell phone, charging on the counter, started to ring.

“Um, excuse me.” She looked grateful for the excuse to escape. She strode to the cell and grabbed it, leaving the charging cord dangling as she hightailed it out of the kitchen.

I was on Cash the minute she disappeared. “You need to shut the fuck up.”

He grinned. “I’m thinking we need to rename the dog and start calling you Romeo instead. Jesus, bro. How long has she been in town? And you’re already all up in her business? What else are you up in? Huh?”

I could get mad at him, though it wasn’t something I did often. I could also knock him on his ass with one well-placed punch since between my work at the farm and my odd jobs around town, I’d been doing much more physical labor than Cash, who lately preferred to lounge around with his girlfriend Red whenever possible.

I didn’t do either—get angry or slug him.

The best way to handle Cash’s bad behavior was to not encourage him. Not give him the satisfaction of thinking he’d gotten to me.

“You jealous?” I grinned. “Don’t let Red hear that.”

Cash narrowed his eyes at me and I grinned wider. Victory!

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