Zenith in Love (Zenith Series #5) - Leanne Davis Page 0,64

in a sedate outfit of pressed slacks and a sweater, her hair swung like it was freshly brushed. She gave him a small smile before her gaze moved elsewhere.

Now then, where was he? Sucking in a deep breath, Jim tried to pass off the interruption as getting choked up.

“Forgive me. It’s just so touching and rewarding to see you all here again after what happened the last time we were together.” That’s right, keep it simple. Real. True. No, he really hadn’t choked up, but he was shocked stupid by a pretty girl. A warm, intelligent, smart woman who was so sexy and interesting and so right there.

Heading back to the podium and his formal sermon, Jim had to find his equilibrium. He was accustomed to people listening to his sermons for years, but the sight of Kayla made his nerves ragged and his hands sweaty and his thoughts jittery. He cared about what she thought more than anyone else.

As a pastor in his Sunday robe, clutching the Bible was as far as he could be from thoughts of sex and attraction. He was the picture of authority and solace in his role. Not something Kayla sought from him or any church. His faith was his alone even if the calling encompassed his whole life. Jim never pictured himself romantically with someone who didn’t seek his guidance. It shocked him to think he cared for someone so different than he was but just as surprising was how okay that fact was for them.

Gripping the edge of the podium, his voice wavered when he said, “Let us pray. We can start there.” He gave Kayla a sharp look so she knew.

This wasn’t fair.

The zing that bolted through him was sharply noticed by him, if not others, as well.

Starting with a simple prayer, Jim lowered his head and allowed the usual flow of comforting, pretty words to ease his nerves and anxiety from the room, the service and, most of all, Kayla’s presence.

He finished the prayer and restarted his sermon.

As he spoke, Jim began relaxing more. It started to feel natural again and the memory of that day started to fade rapidly. He caught himself glancing at Kayla a lot more than anyone else and he appreciated her undivided attention. She lifted her eyebrows ever so subtly when his eyes engaged her. A nod from her meant she agreed with him. He was proud when she seemed to like the words he chose. He never experienced that kind of mastery before. Dozens of sermons in front of Kathy never once brought out this kind of internal pride in him.

Songs and prayers were good things for healing too. All of it felt like a wonderful celebration of the community and the goodness they shared together in the worship of God and Jesus. The reason they returned was primarily to be together again.

He walked toward the rear of the room and stood at the double doors to wait as they all started to leave. Everyone passed Jim with a nod, a smile, a wave or a little “thank you,” “that was great,” or “God bless you, Jim.” Many stopped to shake his hand, touch his arm or shoulder or just hug him. The older folks, who were wobbly on their legs and had to use canes or walkers, seemed to like that the most. Jim suspected it was due to their loneliness and need for human contact. His heartfelt sermons made them feel closer to God, so perhaps touching him elicited the same effect. Some of the congregation really appreciated his effort and never failed to thank him for it.

Then came Kayla. She waited behind two people and her face was fairly neutral. She surprised Jim when she kept her cool, although, he was glad for it. She slowly stepped up when it was her turn and gave Jim a tiny but knowing smile. Her gaze lingered on his face for a long, intense moment. If anyone observed them… yeah, they’d see something. “That was lovely and so necessary. Thank you. I think we all needed to hear that, Pastor Jim.” Her tone was so polite, sweet and proper. But it became a husky, hot sound that Jim alone heard from her before when she said his name. At least, he thought so.

“You don’t usually join us on Sundays, Kayla.”

“I felt compelled to after what happened.”

He leaned closer and they shook hands. For her ears only, he said, “You promised.”

“I know.” She was a

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