At Your Service - A.C. Arthur Page 0,1

of doing some of the grown-up heavy lifting was too much for them to fathom. They’d much rather continue to dump it all on Nina’s shoulders. Well, not today.

“I thought you were coming back tonight,” Angie argued.

“No. I changed my mind. I don’t get away from home often so I’m going to spend the evening in New York. I told you that also, in the reminder text I sent earlier when I was on my way to the train station.” Nina lifted a hand to touch her hair, double-checking to make sure it was smooth and neat after her run-in with the hot guy.

“Well, that’s not fair, Nina. Daisy and I are busy tonight and you’re gonna be in New York living it up. You know Dad needs to be checked on daily.”

Yes, she did know that, mainly because it was something she said on a routine basis to her sisters.

“It’s one night, Angie. You and Daisy can figure something out for just one night.” Her temples started that slow, persistent thumping that signaled a migraine, which wasn’t good.

“Look, it is what it is. And I have to hang up because I need to get into this meeting. I’ll call Dad to check on him as soon as the meeting is done, but you and Daisy are responsible for him tonight.”


“But nothing. Goodbye, Angie.”

Nina pushed the button to disconnect the call. Technically she hadn’t hung up on her, even though sometimes Angie and Daisy deserved just that. They were beyond old enough to handle a night without Nina giving detailed outlines of what they needed to do. And having just celebrated her thirtieth birthday last month, Nina deserved one night in New York, the fashion capital of the United States.

First, she needed to get to this meeting, make her presentation and grab this account. Everything was riding on this—having the money to get her father into an assisted-living facility and giving her app the boost it needed to compete in the big leagues of the fashion industry.

You can do this. It’s what you’ve been working so hard for these last two years. You’re going to get this account and everything else will fall into place. You’ve got this!

Nodding to herself, Nina dropped her phone back into her purse.

It took her another five minutes to walk all the way to the other side of the floor where there was a set of glass doors with the gold letters RGF on the front. Once she pulled the door open and stepped inside, the rapid beat of her heart ceased. The heat that had still burned her cheeks subsided and she walked toward the reception desk, her shoulders squared, chin held high.

After introducing herself to the receptionist—a pretty woman with coal-black hair that fell down her back—Nina was directed down another hallway to the last door on the right. Nina entered the room with her ready-to-take-on-the-world attitude and superstar smile, only to have it falter the minute she locked gazes with the man sitting at the far end of the table.

The same man she’d bumped into only moments ago. The man whose hard dick she’d felt...inadvertently, of course.


* * *

Major sat back in the leather conference room chair with one hand on his thigh, the other rubbing the shaved skin of his jaw. He couldn’t take his eyes off her throughout her presentation. Nor could he stop the erection that had sprung so quickly when they’d first met in the hallway and he’d watched her bend over in that tight skirt. Of course, that hadn’t been their official meeting. No, that awkward moment had come the second she’d walked into the conference room where he was seated with his brothers and two of his tech department staffers.

Nina Fuller, owner and operator of the At Your Service fashion accessorizing app, was beautiful with toffee-brown-colored hair hanging past her shoulders and cinnamon-hued skin. Not only did her skirt fit the round curve of her ass and the stretch of her thighs just right, but the pale blue blouse she wore with it was tucked neatly into a high-waist skirt, the blouse’s sheer material hanging alluringly over her breasts. Major’s palms itched with the thought of cupping them and watching as they spilled over his fingers.

His dick jumped again and he eased his hand up higher on his thigh to give the pulsating shaft a gentle push. Get it together!

“What’s the traffic like on this app?” RJ asked. “Is there so much that it could possibly Copyright 2016 - 2024