The Young and the Ruined - Annabelle Anders Page 0,8

the summer. She and her cousin would take tea with the duchess daily. In fact, Nell had become one of the duchess’s favorites and had been invited to dinner regularly along with her cousin’s family. The duke and duchess loved to entertain young people and their families. James was always present when Nell visited. It hadn’t taken much time for her and James to fall in love.

In fact, they’d fallen in a love so deep that both had been in danger of drowning.

It had been the best summer of her life.

And the worst.

Chapter Four

James couldn’t think of anything to say as they descended the stairs to the main floor. That wasn’t exactly true. He didn’t want to waste these precious moments with idle chit-chat. What he really wanted was to beg her to stay. He could use Valentina’s declaration as the white flag between them.

Earlier, when he’d leaned against the nursey door, he’d been hit with a wave of emotion. His daughter had practically glowed with the attention she was receiving. Valentina had been well-mannered, polite, and respectful to Nell. He’d been struck by how right it felt to have the former love of his life in the house holding his daughter.

No. This was a disaster waiting to erupt. He’d not allow his heart to be broken again. Best to send Nell on her way. He’d pack up the troublesome memories she brought forth and stow them in the carriage with her. He’d also include these strange, new feelings that were most unwelcome and certainly unwanted. He’d not allow her back into his life.

Nell broke the silence between them. “Thank you for sharing Valentina with me. She’s a special little girl.”

“I should be the one thanking you. There aren’t many women who would prefer to eat in the nursery with a child than with the adults downstairs.” Before he could think better of it, James continued, “Of course, if it was your intent to escape my company, the nursery wasn’t a very good hiding place. I visit my daughter quite frequently.”

She slowed her step. “It’s becoming extremely tiresome, not to mention rude, for you to turn any conversation attempt on my part into an argument. Why are you insistent on painting me as such a belligerent harridan who’s running from you, or in the next duplicitous breath, you accuse me of chasing after you?”

“Because you ran from me before, and now, here you are again,” he retorted, his barely controlled anger roaring to life once more. “I dare say you’d do it again if I gave you the opportunity. And I won’t give you that satisfaction. Nor will I allow you to chase after me.”

When Nell halted in the empty hallway, he had no choice but to stop with her.

She straightened to her full height allowing them to assess one another eye-to-eye. She was one of the few women of his acquaintance with the stature to do so. It was so much easier to have a conversation if he wasn’t constantly looking down.

“You’ve done nothing but insult me, throw barbs my way, then hurl these mindless accusations at me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to force me from this house because you’re scared of what you might do.”

“What would that be, my lady?”

“Kiss me,” she hissed.

“Is that a request or a demand?” He closed the distance between them. He could smell the scent of rose water. God, she was trying to kill him by fragrance. She’d worn it every day that summer, and he would forever associate it with her and her soft, sensual kisses. He made the mistake of looking at her plump, soft-as-down lips, then drew a shuttered breath. One thing about Nell, she knew his weakness. It was kisses—specifically, her kisses.

By God, if she was killing him, then he’d do the same to her. “Remember how we’d go for a walk with my aunt, then slip away when she became enthralled with what the gardening staff was planting?”

Nell’s earlier fury melted into shock that made her pant slightly. Her gaze darted from his eyes to his lips, then back to his face. “Yes.”

“We’d find a wide enough tree to hide both of us, then I ravaged your mouth until you were senseless.”

“Hardly,” she softly retorted. “If memory serves me correctly, you were the one who’d be affected the most by our kisses.” She looked down the hallway to see if they were being overheard, then stood so close he would only Copyright 2016 - 2024