You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1) - Melanie Jayne Page 0,33

Ashley wasn’t there so she’ll see it from a different perspective.”

Hale stood abruptly, stalling to think the idea over. “Does anybody want more coffee?” She walked to the coffee maker and shoved her mug under it.

The others shook their heads, watching her.

Hale selected a pod and put into place. “Sure, I can do that. I just hope I don’t end up on the floor in a heap like last time.”

“What last time?” Jasmine gave her a speculative look. She raised her voice. “What do you mean on the floor?”

Hale busied her hands adding the vanilla creamer and stirring. “I, uh, didn’t say anything. I knew you would get upset and…” Don’t act like it was a big deal, be calm, she instructed her brain and body.

“What happened?” Jasmine had shifted into Mama Bear mode. “Did someone say something to you?” She was squinting, a sure sign that she was getting pissed.

“Finn stopped by and we talked about the past.” Hale said quietly, not meeting the other ladies’ eyes, as she slowly walked to the table.

“Finn was here and you two talked?” Jasmine parroted her words, however, her tone was much more grim. “When?”

“A couple of weeks ago.” She took a sip of her hot coffee.

“You didn’t say anything about the mayor stopping by,” Ashley accused. “He didn’t set up a meeting.”

“Well, it didn’t go so well.” Hale stared at her mug sitting between her hands on the table.

The ladies waited for her to continue.

“I knew that sooner or later, we would have to talk about why I left. So he came by one night and we did.” She tried to sound nonchalant but it came out more like a robot voice.

“Was he ugly?” Jasmine’s tone was gentle.

“Yes.” She nodded her head, slowly meeting Jasmine’s eyes. “He asked questions and I tried to explain. It’s hard to justify my reasoning at twenty-two.”

“What do you mean?” Ashley prompted.

“Back then, I felt so trapped that I needed to run. I didn’t want to talk about it with Finn. I was convinced that he wouldn’t listen. He maintains that I should have stayed and explained it to him. Maybe that would have worked, I don’t know. But I can’t change the past.”

“You were already rocky. When I look back, I can see the signs,” Jasmine admitted.

“I explained that, listing a few examples. He remembers things differently.” Hale did a one-shoulder shrug.

Jasmine stood and walked to the sink, turned on the water to rinse her mug. “I love you, but that doesn’t mean that I think you are perfect. None of us are. I’ve thought about that time over the years. You were immature and you had a lot of baggage. Terrible things, like your mom’s addictions and her death and what she tried to do to you, then Mary Jo’s murder. You weren’t ready or able to handle everything, so you left. You figured things out, you got your degrees and a great job. You started a new life. It worked out really well for you.”

“After I got settled in my apartment in Florida, I started seeing a therapist. I made that a priority. You’re right, I was immature, but I knew that I needed help, badly. I felt like I was coming apart at the seams.”

“I hated you being away, but you got your shit together, I can’t argue with the results.” Jasmine made her way back to the table and laid a hand on Hale’s shoulder.

“Thanks,” Hale answered softly.

“Finn, well, he’s a proud man. He moved here with a hotshot reputation and he’s still that way. His ego is large. After you left, he fell into the role as the poor, heartbroken man. I know it must have shaken his confidence that he didn’t see how unhappy you were. He’s used to being in control, one of the smartest men in the room, and you surprised him and everybody by up and leaving.”

Ashley took over. “So he’s the victim and you are the evil woman who hurt the hero. I’ve heard that version.”

“I’m not trying to change that. I had hoped that he would hear what I had to say. He came to me, so I thought that meant that he was going to try to understand my side.”

“He’s had years to build up that wall. He might come around, just give him time,” Jasmine defended. “You’ve seen him since?”

“Yeah, I saw him at the Council Meeting last week.”

“He wasn’t rude or anything?” Ashley looked concerned.

“No he was cordial…professional. It was fine…” Copyright 2016 - 2024