Like You Hurt - Kaydence Snow Page 0,57

anymore. Just as quickly as the murderous rage came over me, I leashed it, shoved it back into its cage, and slammed the door shut. I’d die before I threw another fist.

I rolled my head and took a deep breath . . . and that’s when I spotted her.

She came out of the ladies’ room, quickly wiping away the look of disgust that marred her perfect features. I laughed under my breath and lowered myself back onto the stool. She liked to play the bad girl, but she was grossed out by the nasty bathroom in the dodgy bar. You can take the girl out of the private school, but you can’t take the privilege out of the girl.

My eyes tracked her as she made her way toward the bar, but I looked away before she got too close. I couldn’t have her catching me staring like a dweeb. I wouldn’t want her to get the wrong idea. As I turned away, my eyes landed on Shady’s amused expression.

He looked over my shoulder, then back to me and grinned. Shit.

“Now it all makes sense.” He chuckled.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumbled, taking another sip of my soda water.

“Her name is Donna.” As if I didn’t already know her name. As if I didn’t know what she looked like when she came on my fingers. “But don’t get your hopes up. She just comes here for a bit of fun.”

“Isn’t that why we all come here?” I raised a brow.

He laughed. “Yeah, but Donna . . .” He shook his head and blew out a big breath. “She’s amazing in the sack, but she’s fucking crazy, man. Just be careful.”

Of course she’d fucked Shady. Had she opened her legs to every douchebag in this dump? For the second time that night, I resisted the urge to do violent damage to one of my only friends in this world.

“Noted,” I informed him, my attention already drawn to the other end of the bar. She was leaning over it with her ass sticking out, the bar chick checking out her tits. Half the women here were into her too.

“Want me to intro? I’m not weirded out by sharing pussy if you aren’t.” Shady leaned forward and broke my line of sight. “Hell, she’d probably be into a threesome if you’re game.”

Three times—that was three times I’d wanted to drive my fist through his teeth in the space of half an hour. Because of her.

I opened my mouth to tell him to fuck off, but before I could, something behind me caught his eye.

“Shit. Never mind. I gotta go talk to a man about a dog.” He downed the rest of his drink and disappeared into the crowd without even waiting for a response. I didn’t even want to know what shit he was getting into now.

My view of Donna was unobstructed again. I tried really hard not to stare, but it was fucking impossible when I knew what her tits felt like in my hands. Now they were resting on the bar, and I wanted to pulverize the bar. This was ridiculous. I huffed, disgusted with myself, just as she looked up and our eyes met.

She glared at me and paid for her drink. Something inside me stirred at the anger in her gaze. The two times we’d hooked up, she was livid. It was as if my dick had learned that anger in her eyes meant action. I adjusted myself as she marched over, her shoulders back, tits and hair bouncing.

I gulped my drink, both dreading and craving whatever was about to come.

She leaned one hand on the bar and propped the other on her hip. “We hook up a couple of times, and you all of a sudden think you have the right to follow me around? Seriously?”

I turned my head but kept my body facing the bar, shielding my vital organs from her perfectly manicured claws. “I’m pretty sure I’m the least creepy guy in this dump, but whatever.”

“Stop deflecting, Hendrix. Did you follow me here?”

I frowned, letting some of my frustration show. “You may be under the delusion that you own Devilbend, but in case you haven’t noticed, Dorothy, this isn’t Kansas. No, I didn’t fucking follow you, and I have just as much right to be here as you. Which, technically, is none, since we’re both underage.”

She scoffed and crossed her arms. “OK, mom. Just stay out of my way.”

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