Like You Hurt - Kaydence Snow Page 0,43

scrambled to tuck myself back into my pants and rushed after her, leaving the door wide open.

I caught a glimpse of her turning the corner at the end of the hallway and took off jogging after her. When I was halfway up the hall, several people rounded the corner and started walking toward me. The meeting must’ve finished, and all the teachers and admin workers were heading back to their offices. I slowed down to a respectable speed and plastered a neutral look on my face until I passed them.

As soon as I was out of the hall, I booked it toward the stairs.

“Donna!” I called out, taking the stairs down two at a time. I caught up to her just as she reached the halfway point.

She turned to me, a little confused, but didn’t stop walking. “What?”

“What do you mean what? Are you OK?” I leaned in, keeping my voice low. She’d left without a single word. Had I hurt her? Was I too rough? “Did you not want to . . . did you change your mind or something?”

She laughed under her breath. “No. You finished, didn’t you?”

I blew out a big breath. “I mean, yeah. I finished spectacularly.” There was that satisfied smirk again. “But did I do something to make you uncomfortable? You just left without saying anything.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want to cuddle? You’ll have to get yourself a girlfriend for that.”

“I don’t want a fucking girlfriend,” I barked, a little too loudly. Voices were starting to reach us from below—people were making their way to their next classes. We were about to be swallowed up by the student body once more. “I just want to make sure you’re OK.”

She finally stopped and faced me, rolling her eyes before glancing down at my crotch. “Your vagina is showing.”

“What?” I glanced down, then looked at her as if she was crazy—I was starting to think she was. “I’m just trying to be a decent human being and make sure I didn’t choke you out with my dick. Why do you have to be such a bitch about it?”

“I’m fine. You’re more than fine. That was a hookup and nothing more, and I didn’t think we needed to compare notes. Also, I didn’t want to get caught in Mr. Kirke’s office. So I left. Nothing else to it. Now stop acting like a pussy and wait a few minutes before coming the rest of the way downstairs. I don’t want to be seen with you.”

She fixed my collar, gave me a sweet smile, and walked away.

I stood there for a moment, trying to figure out if I wanted to smile or punch something.

Donna Mead was a fucking force of nature, and if I wasn’t careful, I had a feeling she would knock me to my knees like a goddamn landslide.

Chapter Twelve


The heat from the massive bonfire warmed my right cheek, but not as much as the heat from Hendrix’s stare was warming my left.

It had been stupid to hook up with him again, get on my knees for that cocky son of a bitch. It had definitely been stupid to do it at school, where anyone could’ve caught us. But that was part of the thrill, wasn’t it? It was a reckless thing to do, but I was enraged after my chat with Mr. Kirke, and I’d needed an outlet. He was just there, that was all. It could’ve just as easily been Will if he’d happened to walk down that corridor toward me.

I’d avoided him for the next few days, to make it clear it meant nothing, but there he was, invading my Saturday night. Again.

Even through his Jason mask, I could tell he was watching me. He’d worn plain black jeans and a black jacket, but the mask from Friday the 13th was iconic enough to make his lazy costume clear. I huffed and took a drink of my soda, careful not to ruin my lipstick. Mena had spent hours doing our makeup, insisting on getting it perfect.

I was dressed as Britney Spears in the flight attendant uniform from the “Toxic” video. My sister was the perfect “Baby One More Time” Britney, with the slutty uniform and her long hair in pigtails. Amaya had opted for the skimpiest Britney outfit, but the look from her performance of “Slave 4 You” at the VMAs looked perfect on my stunning friend. She was so committed to the look we’d had to talk her out of buying Copyright 2016 - 2024