You Are My Reason - Willow Winters Page 0,24

exactly why I responded I did. I smirk and bite the inside of my cheek as I text back.

Maybe I am.

His response is immediate. No you aren’t and I want to see you. Blue Hill at 8 p.m.

My shoulders stiffen and I can’t help but feel like this is some kind of battle of wills. And I have no intention of losing.

I said I was busy.

I wait for his response, a deep crease settling in between my brows.

There’s no immediate message back and I start to question my position. I don’t want to be alone tonight. I know it’s pathetic but I’m so tired of being lonely, lying in bed at night, staring at the other half of the bed where my husband used to sleep.

Maybe I need to take a step back and think this through. Dating isn’t exactly an expertise of mine. Neither is hooking up. With a heavy heart I reread the messages and try not to overthink it all, but I’m sure that’s exactly what I’m doing.

I contemplate messaging the girls in our group text when minutes go by and I don’t hear from Mason. A lot of pride lives in me, but not when it comes to this. I’m out of my element.

Tossing my phone down, I decide it’s probably for the best that I don’t see Mason tonight anyway. I’ve never been alone before and I’m too tempted to cling to him already and overanalyze it all. Pushing my hair back, I wonder if I should try to convince Sue to go out tonight. I’m sure she would if only I asked. Any of the girls would and I love them for it.

The phone pings against the porcelain and I’m quick to read what he’s said.

You win. Just tell me when. I’m available for you.

The smile on my face isn’t stopped by my teeth sinking into my lip and I sway slightly as I compose my response. The warmth that spreads through me is addictive. It makes me a little too happy, but I’m too caught in the moment to overthink anything else right now.


“So, who is she?” Liam asks from his office as I’m on my way out. He leans out the doorway, both hands on the doorframe as he smirks at me.

“Who?” I say, turning my back to him so I can lock up my office. It’s a habit I’ve always had. No one else has a key. I’ve got fifteen employees working here who come and go throughout the day, but my office is only for me.

“The chick you hooked up with last night.” I test the doorknob, making sure it’s locked and drop my keys into my pocket. I won’t be long since I’m only heading out for lunch, which is good because I want to have all these numbers crunched by the time I need to leave for Blue Hill.

When I turn back around, Liam’s got his arms crossed and he’s leaning against the door, waiting for me like I owe him some sort of explanation.

“None of your damn business,” I say, keeping my tone casual and smirk at him.

“Oh shit,” he says then lets out a bark of a laugh with a wide grin. “You really did hook up with someone last night?” he asks me with disbelief. Liam’s always been a talker. He doesn’t seem to mind my demeanor as much as everyone else does. Give him enough time and he can have an entire conversation by himself, so maybe the two of us were meant to be friends.

Pushing off the doorframe he says, “I was going to give you shit for leaving me hanging last night.”

“Just didn’t want to be alone last night,” I tell him honestly. “Better her company than yours,” I joke with a grin, trying to lighten the mood even though I want this conversation to be over.

“So, are we going to go over it tonight then?” he asks me.

“Go over what?”

“What our investor said at the meeting you had without me yesterday.” By investor, he means my father.

“It wasn’t about Gray’s Homes.” I take a few steps closer to his office. Mine’s the largest and in the very back. Liam’s is kitty-corner to mine and the only other office in here. Across from his is the boardroom which is currently empty and only ever used for sales pitches and the end of quarter wrap-ups.

“Oh,” Liam says and he seems genuinely taken by surprise. His expression lets me know he wants to ask Copyright 2016 - 2024