Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,97

in town and even though I spend all day cutting meat I still love eating it.”

He ordered a bottle of Australian red wine, to which she nodded her agreement and then told the waiter he'd like his steak to be cooked rare. She watched his hands tear a hunk of bread into pieces and dreamily told the waiter she’d have the same.

Smiling at the proud and happy grin on his face she chatted about the benefits of self-employment, and told him briefly about Tim. And just when he was explaining how his wife was away for the week their food arrived.

Heavens, she thought, she’d certainly read this situation wrong and how stupid of her not to even wonder if he was married.

He must have noticed her hesitancy because he touched the side of her arm. “She’ll be gone for good shortly because we are in the process of splitting up,” he said and frowned.

She couldn’t think of anything to say back without being intrusive and looked down at their food. On his plate was a large, thick steak which was grilled and browned to perfection on the outside and when he cut into it the bloody juices ran out and onto the plate.

He brightened and smiled at her. “Fabulous!” he declared chewing his first mouthful. “Juicy and tender - just as it should be and the flavour, mmm...”

She took his lead and relaxed her shoulders determined to enjoy the meal. Her steak was so tender her knife sliced through easily and she agreed enthusiastically with him about the fantastic flavour.

“You see, the sirloin is cut from the top blade of the cow and has a more intense taste,” he explained swirling the wine in his glass. “And of course, this wine is superb with it.”

She agreed that the richness of the red wine complimented the steak and knew he was enjoying it as much as she was. He was the perfect dinner guest, his stories were funny and his manners were impeccable, and the sight of the small cheese knife held gracefully in his hand brought a lump to her throat. Why on earth did she feel so emotional about this man?

“Coffee at mine?” he asked.

She agreed and although she knew she'd had too much to drink and a tiny voice in the back of her mind urged caution because he was a married man, she climbed into the back of the taxi with him promising herself she’d leave after a quick coffee.

They crept in the dark along the path to his back door and giggled like naughty schoolchildren while he struggled with the key in the lock. She walked into the lounge behind him and after switching on a small lamp he turned and kissed her deeply. His lips tasted of the steak and red wine and she moaned in delight when his big hands began to roam her body. Clinging to him in unashamed desperation with her heart thumping and desire flooding through her from head to toe, he picked her up in his arms and carried her like a little girl upstairs to his bed. He began peeling her clothes off and groaned in pleasure as he undid her bra.

“They're really too big for the rest of my body,” she said shyly. “I'm sort of top heavy.

“They're unbelievable, just like the rest of you,” he murmured, and cupped one each into his massive hands. He squeezed and caressed them until she thought she'd cry with pleasure and ecstasy of his touch.

From somewhere in her drunken haze an image of Tim’s face came to her and suddenly she felt anxious and full of doubt. Was she ready to do this with another man? And yes, she had physical needs the same as everyone else, but maybe if she needed time to think whether it was right or wrong, then...

Doug sensed her hesitation and pulled back. "You, OK?" he asked running his hand through her soft hair.

"I'm not sure,” she said miserably. “You’ll think I’m stupid but suddenly I thought of Tim and well..."

He pulled her closer into his broad strong chest. "No, I don't think you're stupid. I feel a bit like that myself," he explained, and told her how his wife had long since stopped any physical contact with him and had been sleeping in their spare bedroom. “And although I know my marriage is basically on its last legs this is the first time I’ve even considered being unfaithful.”

She nuzzled into him relishing the safe and Copyright 2016 - 2024