Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,93

in anticipation while Katie lifted out the frittata, and some pieces of saffron bread with tiny pots of oil.

"Is this the bread you were kneading?" Lisa asked, "I do like your style mind, Katie, it’s very original."

She shrugged her shoulders thinking of Tim and smirked. "It wasn't planned," she protested. "It just sort of happened. And, there was no one more surprised than I was, believe me!"

Lisa picked up a strawberry liberally coated in chocolate, “Hmm, forget love, I’d rather fall in chocolate,” she swooned, put the whole strawberry into her mouth and groaned in pleasure. “These are fab-u-lous.”

Sarah broke off a piece of muffin and inhaled the fruity lemon aroma and smiled nodding her appreciation to Katie. “My favourite,” she said grinning and took a large bite. “Thanks a million.”

Memories flooded through Katie when she looked at the bread and knew she needed to talk about Tim – she didn't want the girls pussy-footing around her anymore.

While they were contentedly eating she broke the silence. "You see, guys, he was my Mr Right,” she said quietly. "And I blew it! I'd actually found what you’ve been searching for, Sarah, and I walked away from him without a backward glance."

Lisa bit into another strawberry and then wiped away some juice that trickled down her chin. "I’m sorry, Katie, but that’s utter bloody crap!" she cried. "Er... Hello? Have you suddenly forgotten Mr Right’s godforsaken drunken arrogance, and the patronising crap he dealt out? Not to mention having his tongue down some size eight blonde’s throat?"

"I know," Katie wailed. "Oh, I’m so mixed up."

"Then do nothing," Sarah advised finishing the last of her muffin. "Just stand still for a while and come to terms with what’s happened."

Lisa smiled and nodded. "Unaccustomed as I am to agreeing with any of Sarah’s take on romance, she’s right – do nothing."

"Blimey," Katie whispered. "Wonders will never cease..."

Lisa added, "But, although I agree with doing nothing about Tim, if it was me I’d get out there, have some fun, and get your tongue down somebody’s throat." She flipped her mobile open and scrolled down looking for photographs.

"Now, girls, feast your eyes on this!" she said eagerly. "Is he gorgeous? Or is he gorgeous…"

Katie took the mobile and laughed at Lisa. She was priceless, she thought, while making appreciative comments and handing the phone to Sarah who gaped at Adams smooth, black chest and huge muscles.

Sarah’s eyes seemed to be standing out on stalks. "Yeah," she mused. "Someone like that would certainly be enough to take your mind off Tim."

The twisted look of intense concentration on Sarah’s angelic face was hilarious and Lisa rolled around on the towel cracking up with laughter while Katie hung over the arm of her chair and laughed until the tears ran down her cheeks.

Chapter Twenty Three

Yes, I know where it is, she typed on the email, and I’ll definitely be there for one o’clock. Lunch sounds great, and me too, I can't wait to see you again and catch-up on all the gossip. She pressed the send key, sipped her tea and sat back to wait for Phil’s reply. She'd followed her new action plan, been in touch with him on facebook and they'd been emailing each other for a few days. Apparently, he'd been working as an analyst for one of the leading banks since they left university but was a casualty of the recession and had been made redundant. His brother’s friend had a butchers shop on King Street and he was working there as a stop gap until he found another analyst position. The new message envelope flashed and she opened it - See you tomorrow at one, love Phil.

Wow, she thought, it must be nearly two years since she'd had a date with a man, other than Tim of course, and panicking she flew through to her wardrobe looking for something to wear.

Lisa and Sarah both sent texts of encouragement. Lisa told her just to stay cool and have some fun, whilst Sarah told her to wear her red dress and killer heels because she always looked sensational in them and it would give her a real boost. The dress she decided was a little OTT and settled for a more casual look with skinny blue jeans and a white shirt.

Flattening the shirt collar while she looked at herself in the mirror she moved forward and looked closer at her face. Gently she touched the tiny line around her left eye wondering if it was deeper Copyright 2016 - 2024