Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,9

of Reginald Perrin when he used the saying, ‘I didn’t get where I am today.’ They’d often tease him about it to which he laughed good naturedly.

She walked over to him and planted a kiss on his chubby cheek. “No thanks, I’m driving,” she said. “Just tonic water, please, and then I can have a glass of wine with lunch.”

Taking the glass of sparkling tonic water, she wished they’d taken a taxi because every time she looked at Tim’s miserable face her shoulders tensed uncontrollably and the gin and tonic looked tempting.

“It’s ready,” Lynne called, and they got up with their drinks and sauntered through into the dining room.

Katie looked at the huge sirloin joint of roast beef in the middle of the highly polished table and knew Lynne hadn’t been exaggerating - there certainly was enough to feed an army.

“Mmm, this looks fabulous, Lynne,” she said taking her seat opposite Tim.

Lynne’s face lit up with pleasure. “Good, well I hope you’re all hungry.”

“I have a feeling I’m going to be eating roast beef sandwiches all week,” Graham chortled.

Piling fresh carrots, greens, and roasted potatoes onto her plate, Graham carved two thick slices of beef for her but when he was going to add another she held her hand up in protest. The flavour of the succulent tender beef was delicious and the Yorkshire pudding that stood majestically next to her vegetables was crunchy on the outside and soft in the middle. Hmm, she sighed contentedly licking her lips in pleasure. All the flavours mingled together perfectly and she ate with relish.

Because Tim was a chef people were often wary about cooking for him and he often criticised their food but he never found fault with Lynne’s. Conversation ebbed for a while when they all ate hungrily and Tim, she noticed, drank his way through nearly a whole bottle of wine. She chatted happily with Lynne about a new boutique opening while Graham chipped in with funny remarks, making her giggle. Although Tim remained pleasant he only answered when spoken to, which by the end of the meal, had created a strained atmosphere.

Katie helped clear away the plates while Lynne served a homemade apple crumble with custard and Graham grumbled about his expanding waistline. Ordinarily Tim would have jumped at the chance to tease his father but he sat staring morosely at his wine glass and refused dessert. Katie however, felt obliged to have a small portion and after savouring her first spoonful she looked uneasily at the deep scowl which had settled on Tim’s face. Even with Lynne’s great lunch inside him he didn’t look any happier than when they’d left the apartment.

Lynne’s green eyes were sparkling as she broke the silence. “So, how was the Savoy?” she asked them excitedly. “Does the rejuvenation live up to the great reports I’ve been reading about?”

Tim visibly bristled. “I don’t know. I had to stay on at work and missed the party.”

“What!” Lynne exclaimed. “So you had to go on your own, Katie?”

Katie shuffled nervously in her chair not too sure what to do. If she sided with Tim reassuring them that it didn’t matter then he’d get tetchy but if she bitched about him then Lynne would be defensive.

She decided honesty was the best policy. “Yes, but it was fine.”

Graham was quietly spoken and was often mistaken for being a soft touch by other businessmen until they got to know him. Then they rapidly changed their minds because he could be, and often was ruthless, especially where money was concerned.

Now he grunted. “Can’t see how that would be fine? In fact, I think it would be jolly lonely.”

“Look,” Tim stressed. “My chef phoned in sick. I couldn’t leave the restaurant – shit happens!”

“Tim!” Lynne protested. “There’s no need for that.”

“Sorry,” he mumbled looking forlornly out of the bay window.

He looked as though he wanted to be anywhere else in the world but sitting at the table with them all, she thought and made an effort to gloss over the uncomfortable atmosphere. “Coffee anyone?” She asked, picking up her empty dessert bowl.

But Graham was relentless. He turned to Tim. “Couldn’t you have got through the main service and then gone to join Katie later?”

“Well, seeing that she’d hung up on me earlier I didn’t think she’d appreciate it,” he snarled.

A painfully awkward silence descended upon them all and Katie wanted to scream at him.

Graham slowly shook his head at Tim. “You’ve a lot to learn in life, young man,” he said Copyright 2016 - 2024