Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,61

into the lounge while Sarah brought the grilled fish and the mound of crumbly, golden spicy potatoes.

Opening the wine Lisa said, “Yeah, I suppose it’s finding the right balance between molly-coddling us and blatantly ignoring us?”

They settled themselves comfortably around the table and Katie smelled appreciatively. “Mmm, fresh mackerel, yum, yum,” she said.

It had been cooked impeccably and when she cut through the crispy brown skin to the moist, plump flakes, she complimented Sarah. “It smells divine - you’re certainly looking after our omega three levels tonight.”

Sarah chuckled. “I am, and from now on I’m going to try and stick to a more healthy diet,” she said and ate a forkful of mackerel. “Oh my, that is scrummy, what a lovely light taste?”

“So, I suppose the new diet doesn’t include pizza?” Lisa asked and they all giggled.

“No, it doesn’t,” Sarah said. “Have you ever actually cooked yourself a meal, Lisa?”

Lisa looked at both of them and slowly shook her head in disbelief. “Of course I haven’t, life’s far too short to stuff a pepper,” she joked pouting. “But I’m sure I had a smoked mackerel on a salad one day. So, tell me what this omega whatsit is doing for me?”

Sarah nodded proudly at her. “Well, that’s a good start, Lisa. Omega three is good for keeping joints supple and, in your case it’s supposed to help reduce the hot flushes in the menopause.”

“Really!” Lisa enthused. “And you made this meal especially for me? Wow, thanks, Sarah. Will you tell me how to cook it later?”

Katie raised an eyebrow at Sarah and suspected she hadn’t made it especially but it was just like Lisa to think she had and her gratitude for the friendly gesture was endearing to them both.

Katie offered, “I was reading an article the other day which said we should always try to eat the best a nation has to offer and because the UK is an island our fish is always superb.”

Lisa nodded tucking in to the fish. “That’s great, so from now on when I eat pizza I can just pretend I’m in Italy and eating the best they have to offer?”

They all laughed and Katie knew from now on Lisa would probably be eating mackerel for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. While Sarah and Lisa discussed her hot flushes Katie glanced across at Sarah’s settee and remembered the night she’d got here shaking and upset after the fight with Tim. A mere three weeks ago but it seemed like a lifetime away and then wondered whether he still thought of her like she did him.

Sarah got up and, bringing a peach melba with ice cream and raspberry coulis to the table she said, “Well, at the minute Mark’s still sending me I’m sorry texts and leaving messages on my mobile but I suppose that’ll stop when he gets used to being ignored. So, I’m back on the market again, guys.”

“You’ll get somebody soon,” Katie replied smiling encouragingly.

Lisa grinned, relaxing her shoulders in pleasure after swallowing a heaped spoonful of ice cream. “Talking of markets, it is great news that you got the knock-down offer accepted for the flat, Katie. They’re obviously desperate to sell and thankfully it’s a buyers’ market at the moment. You certainly got an excellent deal.”

Katie smiled and felt the little trickle of excitement she was getting used to every time she thought of her new flat. “I know, it’s so exciting and I can’t wish the next four weeks over soon enough. I’m dying to get in there and get cracking,” she gushed. “And another bit of good news is that when Susan in personnel worked out my leaving date it’s going to be sooner than I thought because I’ve got six days holiday to take.”

Lisa bubbled with enthusiasm for her. “Oooooh, that’s fantastic! So, if your completion date is around the same date you’ll have plenty time to move in and shop for furniture.”

Katie grinned. “I know, but I won’t have much cash to splash out on expensive pieces and I might have to pick a few second hand things up because I want to spend the bulk of the money on a first-rate kitchen. I’ve chosen the one I want and the company are ready to go straight in and start installing it all the on the day I get the keys.”

Lisa talked about some great vintage and used furniture places she knew and Katie bubbled along with her but Sarah, although not being dismissive about the Copyright 2016 - 2024