Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,17

swung her legs out of bed. No, the upshot was that she’d lost her temper and got to such a stage that she couldn’t have backed down even if she’d wanted to. And, then again, did she really want to?

Feeling like her head was about to explode with confusion she plodded along the hall, peeped into Sarah’s empty bedroom and then into the kitchen to make coffee. A note from Sarah was stuck to the kettle telling her to have breakfast and if she needed anything she was upstairs in her studio.

Sarah was a freelance graphic designer and had turned the whole of the second floor in the house into one large art studio. It was a beautiful room where light flooded through a massive bay window and all the walls were painted white. The room was full with canvases, sketch pads, easels, paints, materials and three desks; one of which held her lap top, one which was where Sarah painted, and the third held a desktop drawing board. Katie stood in the doorway and watched Sarah who sat with a huge plan clipped onto the drawing board and was so deep in concentration she was unaware of Katie. She used the time to look lovingly at her friend and say a grateful prayer of thanks that she’d been here last night because if she hadn’t she didn’t know how she’d have coped. She owed her big time.

Sarah was a true old fashioned romantic but at the age of thirty was still single. Katie had never been able to understand why because she couldn’t begin to count the number of guy’s Sarah had been out with. But Sarah was still adamantly looking for her Mr Right and was desperate to be married and have masses of children - sadly for some reason it just wasn’t happening.

“Morning,” Katie said quietly not wanting to startle her. “I brought you a coffee.”

Sarah swung around to face her, smiled and took the cup. “That’s great, thanks,” she said pointing to a cold coffee cup on the end of the desk. “I always forget I’ve made one and let it go cold. How are you feeling this morning?”

“Better, in fact I’m much better. And thanks again for last night, Sarah,” she said sitting on a stool next to the desk. “I’m going to shower, get ready and go into work at lunch time.”

Sarah waved her hand redundantly. “No thanks necessary, I know you’d do the same for me. But take your time with going into work and I meant what I said last night you can stay as long as you want to. In fact I’m going up to York on Wednesday for a two day design course so you’ll have the place to yourself,” she said. “But Tim will probably have rung by then and you could be back at the apartment.”

Katie sighed. “You know, Sarah, even if he does ring I’m not sure I’ll be able to bounce back so soon. Although I’m not angry anymore I’m still so rankled about it all and even if he was to crawl on his belly full of apologies well, I’m just not sure…”

“Then take your time to think things through properly,” she said sipping her coffee.

Katie nodded in agreement and turned around on the stool to look at the family photographs on the wall gazing at one in particular of Sarah and her twin sister, Libby. She often thought Sarah’s longing to be married stemmed from the tragic time when Libby had been killed in a car accident when they were in the last year of secondary school. It had been a devastating time for Sarah and everyone worried that the loss of her twin was something that would scar her for life and she’d never get over. Katie thought back to that time and how she hadn’t known Sarah very well at school but knew Libby much more because they’d been in the same athletics’ club together.

It was only when Sarah’s grandmother had died and left the house to Sarah in her will and she’d moved into Carmalt Road that they’d become close friends.

Sarah followed her gaze. “I often wonder about Libby. I mean, if the accident hadn’t happened and she was alive today, I wonder if she would have been married with babies yet,” she said wistfully.

Katie took her hand and rubbed it comfortingly between hers. “I know, hon,” she said pausing to think of some words of comfort. “But I suppose if Copyright 2016 - 2024