Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,129

exposing her right leg. She saw him wet his lips staring at the lace on the top of her stocking.

Jeez, he wailed silently when he saw the top of her stocking and felt the urge in his trousers strain against the zip. How much was a man supposed to take? He croaked, “Christ, Kate, what are you trying to do to me? I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to wait much longer at this rate!”

She smiled playfully and teased him. “Well, we’ve waited for a couple of months now so a few more hours won’t kill us, will it?”

The oyster platter arrived with the Mersean oysters lying in pretty, brown and white shell cases, wedges of lemon and shallot vinegar, all served on a bed of crushed ice. He picked up a shell and poured a glistening, plump oyster into his mouth and she watched spellbound as he threw his head back to devour it. His Adam’s apple looked huge as it swallowed up and down, and she fought the urge to drag her lips across his throat. And then throwing all caution aside she changed her mind and did just that.

His eyes filled with a look of delighted surprise and he bent forward and kissed her passionately devouring her lips until they tingled.

When they finally pulled apart she murmured, “And the French poet Leon-Paul Fargue once said eating an oyster was like kissing the sea on the lips, and your lips taste just like that and very seaweedy.”

Laughing, he said, “Uh-huh, and because oysters are aphrodisiacs they’ll make us feel even more sexy, if that’s possible?”

She took another sip of champagne and a string of bubbles ran up her nose making her giggle. “Well, if the oysters don’t, this champagne should, it’s fabulous! It tastes of ripe citrus fruits and it’s so light my nose is tickling,” she said reading the label on the bottle. “It says to expect a pleasant, racy wine with a long and lingering taste.”

“Wow! I like the sound of that, long and lingering…” he drawled sexily.

She picked up a shell from the platter and squeezed lemon onto it. “But just in case the champagne isn’t enough, I’d better try one of these.” The oyster was tender and succulent as it slipped from the shell down her throat and made her feel very sensual.

He reached across, ate another oyster and gulped his champagne. “I feel ready to burst!” he declared loudly and she burst out laughing with pleasure.

They finished the bottle of champagne and fought amicably over the last oyster but finally she gave in and allowed him to have it. “After all, if it’s true what they say about enhancing sexual performance,” she taunted. “You’re the one who’s going to need it!”

He threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Come on,” he said, “I think it’s time we went to the hotel and maybe ordered another bottle?”

“Oh, you do – do you?” she smirked with delight and slid off the stool while he put his arm securely around her waist. She settled easily into his arm, it felt reassuringly familiar, yet at the same time very exciting.

Checking in at the reception desk seemed to take forever although realistically it was only a few minutes after they swiped his credit card and he signed the paperwork. But these were all lost minutes that he wasn’t touching her, he thought, and impulsively reached across to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. The printer on the desk whirled away printing his receipt and he gently traced his finger along the curve of her jaw, thinking how beautiful she was. Just this simple touch of skin against skin had every nerve in his body screaming for her and then at last they were finished and running hand-in-hand along the foyer to catch the lift up to their room.

They stood alone in the lift catching their breath and she stared wantonly at him. He came to her and eased her against the side of the lift sliding his hand through the split in her dress. She moaned at his touch and felt his hot breath as he roved up and down her neck grazing her with his teeth.

Driven with passion she threaded her fingers through his hair and scrunched a handful, non-too gently while taunting him even further. “You know, there’s no actual scientific evidence to support the theory of aphrodisiacs and it’s said to be based purely in imaginary folklore.”

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