Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,127

I just don’t know,” she groaned.

Lisa giggled and squeezed her arm reassuringly. “Ok, let’s crack open a bottle of wine, purely for medicinal purposes of course,” she said climbing out of the car.

It was a balmy spring evening and because the flat seemed stuffy, Katie suggested they sit in the garden with their wine. Feeling peckish, she put some nibbles onto a tray, uncorked the bottle of wine and with two glasses headed out to find Lisa sitting on the small wall between her and Sam’s garden. Her long legs swung gracefully from the short dress she wore which fluttered in the breeze and she had a genuine coy expression on her face that Katie had never seen before. Sam was practically dancing in attendance around her and making her giggle while demurely, she girlishly twirled a strand of hair around her little finger.

Unless Katie was very much mistaken there were sparks flying between these two.

“Hey Sam. How’s it going in the world of courgettes and cucumbers?” Katie asked laughing. “Can you manage a glass of wine?”

Sam gave her his cheeky-chappy grin. “Lovely, just pour me a little in here,” he said, raising an empty coffee mug.

Katie poured the wine, handed a glass to Lisa and plonked down on the grass next to them both. They idly chatted about the warm weather so early in the year and how she’d loved his vegetable box and then discussed her plans to landscape the garden next year.

They all heard her landline ringing from the kitchen and excusing herself, she hurried inside knowing Lisa was in safe hands with Sam. While chatting to her mum she looked out of the window and saw Sam lean towards Lisa and play with the spaghetti straps on her dress while lightly caressing her shoulder. From what she could see this intimate gesture was welcomed by Lisa and Katie quivered with excitement knowing how perfect Sam would be for her. Ending the call and heading back outside, she wondered if Sam could cook as well as grow vegetables.

Her question was answered when Lisa said softly, “Sam has offered to cook dinner for us Katie, isn’t that lovely?”

Making a quick decision she declined the offer, feigning a work project to finish but encouraged Lisa to go and enjoy herself. And as there were no protests she figured they were both more than happy to be alone. She gave Lisa an encouraging wink and watched Sam help swing her legs over the wall onto his side of the garden and stroll with her into his kitchen.

Later that night when she pulled down the blind at her bedroom window she noticed Lisa’s car still parked outside. Hmm, things must be going very well she thought, if Lisa has decided to stay over. The street lamp was directly outside her bedroom window therefore the room was never in complete darkness which she loved, because getting used to sleeping alone again hadn’t been easy. At first lying alone in her bed had brought images and stories of burglaries and attacks on women to the forefront of her mind - whereas when she’d slept wrapped around Tim every night the thought had never entered her head. She climbed into bed, pulled the quilt up under her chin and hugged herself in excited anticipation knowing this time tomorrow night she would indeed be wrapped around Tim’s body and every nerve she possessed tingled in all the right places.

Her brown hair had been cut into a swinging, shiny bob and when she stood in front of the full length mirror in the bathroom her skin seemed to glow with the effects of the light spray tan she’d had applied. Revelling in the silkiness of her new cream bra and panties she carefully pulled up the natural, seven denier stockings with lace tops knowing full well they weren’t strictly necessary because her legs were tanned. But she knew Tim would love them and, giggling with excitement, she headed out to the taxi.

Hurry up, he thought impatiently as he sat on the Eurostar train travelling through Ashford and heading towards St. Pancras station. The two hour journey from Paris, which had flown over when he’d gone out there, seemed to be taking twice as long to get home. Smiling, he thought of Kate waiting for him and still couldn’t believe his luck to be given another chance with her. He was longing to see her and had been counting down every minute since their last email.

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