Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,118

does that mean he’ll ring or call around?”

“Either I suppose…” Lisa soothed patting her hand. “And you really want to do this to yourself again, honey?”

Katie relaxed her shoulders and felt relieved after talking to the girls. She drained the wine from her glass. “I do still love him, Lisa, but after this mess today, I can’t see how we can come back from this disaster. Maybe it’ll never work out for us now,” she said miserably.

Lisa slipped her old denim jacket off and slunk back against the settee twirling the stem of the wine glass between her fingers. “You know, I’m not the best person to give you advice about this scenario, Katie. I don’t let myself get caught in a trap like this. In my mind if a relationship isn’t working, I just get out and move on to the next guy but there again I haven’t been in a living together set up like this, so…”

Katie shook herself out of her pathetic maudlin state. “I know, but I do appreciate you both being here and the support. And now the wine has kicked in and the embarrassing memories are fading, I suppose I’ll get over the disappointment again. It’s my own stupid fault for building myself up for another fall.”

A flashing memory of sharp pain settled upon Lisa’s face as though she was reliving her own personal battles and Katie tried to lighten the atmosphere. “You ok?”

Suddenly, as if a light had snapped on in Lisa’s mind she shook herself. “Me? Of course, I’m ok,” she said with her usual bright smile back in place. “After all, Katie, who the hell does he think he is? Heston bloody Blumenthal?” she giggled, to which they both fell about laughing.

Chapter Thirty

Tim woke the next morning with his first slight headache for months. He remembered finishing work at the restaurant and coming back to the apartment and, over five or six cans of lager, telling Luke how he’d shouted at Kate in the restaurant kitchen.

Swinging his legs over the bed he groaned, thinking of how he’d yelled about the undercooked salmon - how could he have been so horrible, especially when she was the one who had come to help. The coffee pot that Luke had made earlier was still warm and he gulped mouthfuls of coffee while breaking a muffin in half. He had to get this mess sorted out as soon as he finished work. She would probably slam the door in his face, which he knew he deserved, but he was definitely going to beg her forgiveness. Whether that meant grovelling, apologising over and over again until he had to crawl along the floor - it didn’t matter what it took, he would do it.

After lunch time service and ignoring his stomach groaning for food he jumped into his car and sent Kate a text to let her know he was heading over to her flat with her wages. He prayed she would be home and they were soon answered when she sent a text back with a simple ok. His mind was racing as he pulled out of the car park and rehearsed exactly what he was going to say to her. While sitting at traffic lights he drummed his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel knowing this was what he should have done months ago. In fact, he thought, he should have done this the day after she’d left him and although she may never forgive him now he was going to give it his best shot. Whether he came away looking like a prize idiot he didn’t care but he was going to tell her how much he still loved her.

Katie closed the mobile shut with a snap and felt her insides tumble. He was coming over and she was determined they were going to sort this mess out once and for all. Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration that might just make her feel better and at the same time prove that she was a good cook. Opening the fridge door she took the bag Jessie had given her and quickly set to work. Within ten minutes she had everything prepared just as the front door bell rang and she opened the door to a very sheepish looking Tim.

“Hi,” she said, “Come in and sit down, I’ve got food ready.”

“You have?” he asked warily following her to the kitchen. He didn’t know what to expect, but this was his Kate and from Copyright 2016 - 2024