Yes Boss (Billionaire Bosses #4) - Miley Maine Page 0,39

Pleasure explodes in me and I cry out, throwing my head back as spots dance across my vision. I vaguely feel Jason thrusting into me twice more before he, too, stills with a deep groan.

When I come back down, I feel as weak as a kitten, sitting slumped against Jason. I push myself off of him and fall to the side, crashing onto the soft pillows as I catch my breath, staring up at the ceiling of his office. Reason hasn’t yet caught up to me, but a nudge of embarrassment at my actions is starting to creep up on me.

Soon, I feel more than see Jason look over to me, still sitting slumped against the cushions as he stares at me. It occurs to me that I should be more vulnerable to have him staring at me when I’m entirely naked. But what does it matter? He was just in me. Nakedness doesn’t really compare.

As the lust finally starts fading and my mind begins to clear, I can’t believe what just happened. Jason definitely started it with the kiss, but I’m the one who pushed it as far as it went. What the hell is wrong with me?

How could I have let this happen again?

“What?” I finally ask, too tired to snap.

Jason doesn’t say anything for a moment.

“Just confused,” he finally says.

I’m equally confused. I close my eyes for a moment. This tells me that trying to work with Jason is impossible. I’m connected to him in a way that makes me frustrated, and the sexual gratification that I get from him is oddly addictive. I’ll never be able to stay away from him while we’re in the same office. My feelings for him are too fiery, too complicated.

“I think I need to find another job,” I tell him.

Neither of us says anything else. And then Jason sits up. I glance at him.

“No, I don’t think so,” he says, frowning.

I blink, surprised. I would have thought he would want to be rid of me after this. Wasn’t he just saying that we couldn’t allow this thing between us to fuck up the company?

“Hear me out,” he says before I can reply. “Look, I get it. Believe me, I do. But you’re still the best thing that’s happened to this company with me in charge. Your work is impeccable, and I still think we can go far with you helping me. Obviously, there are still things to clear up. Like how you feel toward me. Your anger, in particular.”

I blink slowly at him. I’m not surprised he picked up on that. I haven’t exactly been subtle about it.

“You’re upset, and I get it,” Jason says. His eyes are intent on mine. “But you need to deal with it. I’m not asking to be friends, but you need to figure something out if you want to keep working professionally with me. So…take a week off. Think about things. If you still want to quit at the end of the week, we’ll deal with that. But don’t make any decisions right now.”

I press my lips together. It isn’t a bad deal.

“And, for the record, I’m not telling you to get over it,” Jason adds, and I look at him, startled. “I know I was a horrible person in college, especially to you. I can’t change that. But I’m not that person anymore.”

For the first time, I can actually see the remorse on his face with clear eyes. It’s always been there, but I’ve always been far too furious to see it.

“Alright,” I say, slowly nodding. “One week, then. At the end of the week, we’ll talk about it.”

“If you want to leave, I’ll write you a reference and call around for you,” Jason says. “It’s the least I can do.”

It strikes me that he isn’t begging me to stay. I know he needs me right now, that he’d be up shit creek without a paddle if I wasn’t here. Yet he’s giving me all the options calmly, telling me what’s available to me if I stay or if I leave. Something that feels a lot like grudging respect rises in me.

Maybe Jason’s right. Maybe he has changed for the better, and I was just too unwilling to see him properly. Which means he’s also right about the fact that I need to take some time to wrap my head around what I want to do.

“Thank you,” I say. I stand and gather my clothes, sliding into them quickly. “I’ll finish my work Copyright 2016 - 2024