Yes Boss (Billionaire Bosses #4) - Miley Maine Page 0,22

all that energy to tell me what time to arrive,” Opal continues to scoff, rolling her eyes.

She sits at the desk I had brought up for her yesterday afternoon, seemingly having already started organizing it to her specifications given the computer on the right, arranged file drawers on the sides, and stationery tin on the left. There are also two steaming mugs of coffee on the desk, and I stare at them without comprehension.

“One of them is yours,” Opal says dismissively upon noticing where I’m looking. “Though it might be cold, since you were so late.”

God, she’s not going to let that go, is she? I resist the urge to bite back, which is what I feel she’s aiming for. I suddenly feel incredibly sympathetic for the Opal from college; if this is what she had to deal with from me, no wonder she was angry every time I saw her. Yet, I have a feeling I was even worse.

Still, I can put up with this. I taunted Opal for an entire year. I can put up with her snark for at least two months.

“Sorry,” I say instead. “I didn’t sleep well last night and woke up late. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. Thank you for coming in today.”

Opal’s face falls; she obviously anticipated an argument. But I’d already told her I’m in this for the long haul. No matter what she says, no matter what punishment she decides I’ve earned (and, undoubtedly, have earned), I’m going to be mature and do my best to work with her.

I can only hope I can keep that promise.

“I see you’ve found the desk,” I say, nodding to it. “That’s yours to do with as you want. There will be a phone coming up as well, but it will be installed later today.”

I see a subtle shift in Opal, transforming her from snarling enemy to professional secretary, and I’m glad to see it. It gives me hope that the two of us can do this.

“Alright,” she says. She snatches up a pad of paper from her desk and flicks it open before grabbing a pen. “I suppose I should ask what my duties are first.”

I pick up the coffee cup as I think about it and take a sip. Delicious warmth slides down my throat and my eyes widen. That’s good.

“Coffee,” I blurt out without thinking. “Fuck, you make a good coffee. That’s your first duty.”

Then I can’t believe I just said that. Would Opal be offended that I’ve relegated her to coffee duty? I’m not lying about how good that coffee is though. I almost don’t feel like a zombie.

All of a sudden, Opal snorts.

“Well, now I know how to keep you in line,” she says and, to my shock, writes “coffee” on the first line of the paper. “Anything else, or did you just hire me to be your personal barista?”

I can’t help but grin.

“Mostly you’ll just be taking phone calls and fielding emails,” I say, nodding to the desk. “Paperwork from other sections of the company will go through you first, and you’ll need to check their legitimacy before handing it on to me. You’ll come with me to every company gathering and on any spot checks that I do.”

Opal is writing all of this down, a look of concentration on her face. Her handwriting is as neat as I remember from the glimpses of her textbooks that I once got. I’m impressed with her focus. I knew I made a good choice when I asked her to work with me.

“But, primarily, one of your biggest roles, at least during this probation period, will be to work closely with me to see if we can find material evidence of the corruption,” I say, and Opal’s hand pauses for a moment as she takes that in. “With Sandra and Paula, all we need to do is find evidence of their familial connection, and to interview the other interns. However, I fear that if these kinds of issues exist in one area, then they have probably already spread to other parts of the company. We’ll need to look closely at financial records, written reports, and outside deals with other companies.”

“Sounds like a big job,” Opal comments, scribbling down the last point.

“Can you handle it?” I ask, a note of challenge slipping into my voice.

Yet again, I feel a momentary panic that I’ve slipped up again. Damn, dealing with Opal and our history will be harder than I thought.

However, Opal looks Copyright 2016 - 2024