The Year I Became Isabella Ande - Jessica Sorensen Page 0,54

interesting, and you’re kind of funny.”

“Gee, thanks,” I say sarcastically. “And you’re kind of nice.”

“Why, thank you,” he replies with over exaggerated happiness.

I resist an eye roll then try to get a vibe from him. See if maybe he knows about my mom. Is there pity in his eyes? No, not really. If anything, he appears amused.

“When’s the last time you’ve been on it?” I ask. “My blog, I mean.”

“I don’t know, like four or five days ago.”

I exhale in relief. I made the post yesterday.

He winds around the kitchen island and heads for the doorway that leads to the living room. “Come on. I need to grab some stuff before I go to the party.”

“I never said I was going.” It’s not like I don’t want to go to a party. I just worry that people from my school will be there, which means I’ll end up spending the entire night avoiding their stares, probably hiding out in the bathroom.

He spins around, grinning. “Oh, come on. You know you want to go.” His grin expands. “It’ll be super fun!”

I flip him the middle finger, and he laughs.

“Besides, if you go, I can introduce you to some people from our school. Getting to know people is the first step to friendship.” He grins.

“You would really do that for me?” I’m oddly touched.

He waves me off, like it’s no big deal. “I have excellent people skills. Stick with me and you will too.”

Then he grabs my arm and pulls me with him, leaving me no choice but to go.

“I HAVE TO change before we leave,” I announce to Kai after he walks out of his bedroom, wearing different clothes.

He’s now sporting a long-sleeved grey Henley, black jeans, and boots. He also has on a grey knit cap and a collection of leather bands on his wrist, including the one I gave him. I won’t ever admit it to him aloud, but he looks dangerously sexy.

He evaluates me from head to toe while shoving up the sleeves of his shirt. “Why? You look fine.” He tugs on the bottom of my still-damp tank top. “And I think a lot of people will probably appreciate the wet t-shirt look.”

I fold my arms over my chest, mentally cursing myself when my cheeks go all melted chocolate warm.

Please don’t notice I’m blushing. Please don’t notice I’m blushing.

His lips spread to a grin. “The blush would be an added bonus too. Between the t-shirt and that, you might be able to get free drinks all night.”

I square my shoulders, scrounging up the little dignity I have left. “Bradon charges people for drinks at his parties? Really?”

“Not all the time, but sometimes.” Kai nonchalantly shrugs. “He’s an entrepreneur.”

I run my hands over the front of my shirt. “As much as I’d love free drinks for the night, I think I’d rather wear some clean, more weather appropriate clothes, and just pay if I drink.”

“If you drink?” Kai questions with amusement. “You’re a virgin drinker, aren’t you?”

“Oh, please. You think I spent three months overseas and didn’t touch a drink?” I scoff with a roll of my eyes. “I’ve drank a ton.”

His lips twitch as he wrestles back a laugh. “Okay, I believe you. But just a warning, I’d stay away from any baked goods if I were you.”

“Warning noted.”

I can’t believe I’m doing this. Going to a party where I might run into people I know and that Kai is going to introduce me to. This will be so much different, and I’ll be way more out of my element, than when I was dancing in clubs and kissing guys I barely knew.

Before Kai and I leave, I go over to my house to change my clothes.

“You can just wait on the sofa, if you want to,” I tell him when Kai tags along with me as I head upstairs to my room.

“Nah, I’ll just wait outside your bedroom door for you.”

“You’re such a weirdo.”

“That’s why we get along so well,” he replies, grinning.

Smiling, I dash up the stairs and to my room. After I get the door shut, I head for the closet to pick out an outfit. As I pass by my bed, though, something catches my attention and makes me grind to a halt.

A piece of paper is on the mattress.

I pick it up and my heart slams against my chest. “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!”

Kai bursts into, wide-eyed and panicked. “What happened?”

“I don’t . . .” My hands and legs are shaking Copyright 2016 - 2024