The Wrong Right Man - Aurora Rose Reynolds Page 0,6

and I try to pull it together as I move with the crowd across the street. His mint-green eyes lock on me as the crowd around me disperses, and I notice a glimmer of something within their depths that causes goose bumps to rush across my skin like a tidal wave. When he lifts his eyes to mine, I smile nervously, feeling warmth spread down my neck, but then stumble forward when my heel catches on a crack in the pavement. By some miracle, he manages to step forward to catch me with his hand on my hip before I can do a face plant.

“Adam,” I breathe as I place my hands lightly on his chest, and he drags his eyes off my lips to meet my gaze. “I’m Dakota.” I jerk my hands away from his hard chest and take a step back out of his space, noticing a glimmer of displeasure flash through the green of his eyes like lightening. “Sorry I’m late. Traffic was a little insane then there was an accident and my cab driver was going to get into a fight so I ended up walking,” I ramble, waiting for him to say something, anything, and when he doesn’t, I start to feel unsure.

Oh, God, what if this man isn’t the one I’m supposed to be meeting? I smile nervously, tipping my head to the side and feeling my hair slip over my shoulder. “Please tell me that you’re Adam and not some random man I’m accosting on the street.”

His eyes roam mine then his lips tip up into a slight smile. “I’m Adam.”

Relief fills me and the tension in my muscles eases. “Thank goodness.” I swipe my brow and he grins. Good Lord, this man is dangerous. “Mags refused to show me a photo of you. She just told me that you’d be here, dressed for work and wearing a watch.”

“That’s not a lot of information to go on.” The rumble of displeasure in his statement catches me off guard.

“You know Maggie. She’s…” I press my lips together then smile and shrug. “She’s Maggie.”

“Yeah,” he agrees, and I wonder why Maggie didn’t tell me how intense he is.

“Right.” I let out a breath while taking him in then look at the coffee shop briefly, noticing him suddenly get stiff as he looks over the top of my head. “Umm… I know I said this was just a coffee date, but I’m starving. Do you mind if we go to the pizza place down the block?”

“I have a better idea.” He startles me by wrapping his fingers around my upper arm then sliding them down to capture my hand. “I know a great Italian place that’s not too far from here.”

“Oh.” I drop my gaze to our connected hands. I’m sure my palm shouldn’t be tingling.

“We’ll take my car.” His fingers squeeze mine, making my pulse skip a beat.

“Okay.” I let him lead me down the sidewalk and almost stumble again when the lights on a Benz flash, and not just any Benz, one of those SUV ones that costs more than I will make in the next two years.

He stops at the passenger side, opening the door for me, and once I’m inside, he slams the door closed then prowls around the hood to get in behind the wheel. Lord in heaven, I don’t think a man should look so good in profile.

“Ready?” He turns to look at me as he starts the engine.

“Sure.” I take a deep breath, willing my heart to slow down.

“So tell me a little about yourself,” he says, looking over his shoulder as he pulls out into traffic.

“Well, I’m sure Maggie told you that I moved to Seattle a few months ago.” I shift in my seat and notice his eyes glance briefly at my thighs, making them feel hot.

“Where from?”

“Tacoma.” My leg starts to bounce in sync with his fingers tapping on the steering wheel.

“Why Seattle?”

“My brother has always lived here, and he convinced me to stay with him when—” I quickly cut myself off. “I needed a change.”

“You and your brother are close.”

It’s not a question, but I still say “Yeah” as I hold my purse in my lap a little tighter. “Maggie said you grew up here.”

“I did.” His hands flex on the steering wheel as he presses more firmly on the gas to enter the highway. “How did you and Maggie meet?”

“She knows my brother.” I fiddle with the handle of my purse as he Copyright 2016 - 2024