The Wrong Man - Kate White Page 0,110

day. As he strode back to the cab, she watched the flaps of his navy suit lift. His might be taking a bite out of her savings, but at least he’d sparked an idea for Barry Kaplan’s apartment.

“Tell me everything,” Baby urged as soon as Kit had walked in the door.

“Well, I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”

She explained that going forward, she wouldn’t be able to divulge information about the case. But she relayed basic details of the meeting and also the fact that the notion of relocation had been raised.

“What are they talking about for God’s sake?” Baby said. “Sending you off to some place like Fort Wayne or Fargo with a wig and a new name?”

“It doesn’t matter because I’m not leaving New York. Ithaka may have upended my life, but I’m not going to let them out-and-out destroy it. I’ll just have to do my best to stay out of harm’s way.”

“I don’t want you in Fargo, Kit, but are you sure this is the wisest course?”

“I don’t know if it’s the wisest, but it’s the only choice I can live with. And now that I’ve gone to the authorities, I’m going to put all my attention into shoring up my end of the business.”

“I’ll help you as much as I can.”

“But I do have to find a place to live for a while. I can’t just bunk down here indefinitely.”

“Why not? To be perfectly honest, I’ve liked having the company. And once May comes, I’ll be in the country most weekends and probably working Fridays from there like I did last summer.”

Kit felt her eyes well in gratitude.

“Are you absolutely sure, Baby?”

“Yes. Besides, it will save me from doing something stupid, like getting a cockapoo.”

“Is that a bird?”

“No, a cocker spaniel–poodle hybrid. I was considering it because it doesn’t shed.”

“Ha. Okay. Why don’t we say that for the time being at least I’ll stay and then we’ll play it by ear. There’s one more hitch, though. I’m going to have to recruit a freelancer to do a fair amount of legwork for me since I’m staying undercover.”

“I have feelers out for someone to fill in for Dara. In the meantime, why don’t I do the final shopping for your Greenwich Village clients. I’ve seen the photos of what you’ve done so far, and I’ll pick out the last few accessories they need. I could even bring the items down there myself and see how they work.”

“Oh, I’m sure they’d love that. I suspect they’ve told most of their friends that you’re actually the one doing the decorating anyway.”

“Any other fires to put out?”

“Well, there’s Barry, the not-so-happy bachelor, but I have the concept now at least, and I’m going to finish making the presentation boards today. I’m waiting to hear if he can meet with me midweek. It’ll mean going out, but I’ll be careful. So far no one seems wise to the fact that I’m staying with you.”

“Here’s a thought. Why don’t you have him come here? I’ll do one of my famous salmon balls rolled in slivered almonds and I’ll serve him a martini that will knock him on his ass.”

“Oh, that would definitely work. And then that just leaves the doctor. I’m going to call today and see if I can reel him back in.”

Kit sprang from her chair, ready to move into action, but she could see that Baby still had something on her mind.

“I see your wheels turning.”

“I’ve been wondering about X. The infamous Garrett Kelman. He who rules by the spear.”

“You mean, has my view of him changed?”

“Yes, now that you’ve learned what he’s done. Will you follow up with him?”

“I don’t think he wants anything to do with me at this point. And maybe that’s for the best. I’m pretty sure he’s not a murderer or thief, but he may still be a scoundrel.”

But when she returned to the guest bedroom, she realized that despite what she’d said to Baby about Kelman, the pang of disappointment she’d been feeling had intensified, like a burn exposed to sunlight. From the moment she had met Kelman in Florida, something had stirred in her, and it hadn’t just been lust. There’d been an emotional undercurrent as well, which for weeks had been burrowed beneath her anger and fear. When they had kissed the other night, it seemed to suggest that there might be a chance for them to restore that connection in spite of the chaos all Copyright 2016 - 2024