Wrecked - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,86

fucking beautiful . . . you got any idea how long I’ve thought about doing something like this with you?”

As the ache in her chest threatened to expand, she tried to tease him. “Zach, if you wanted to do finger painting, all you had to do was ask.”

“Ha, ha.” Abruptly, she felt something hot . . . his mouth. Closing around her right nipple, sucking, tugging, his teeth working it for a second before he pressed it against the roof of his mouth and suckled deep.

She moaned his name and yet again, when she went to reach for him, he pulled back and nudged her hands down to the table.

“On to the next one,” he said, his voice a little ragged but cheerful.

Abigale whimpered.

* * *

The lotus blossoms spread out along her torso in a delicate rainbow of color. He was just about done and most of the ink had dried. As he finished the one just above her right hip, he bent down and blew on the ink to help it dry quicker. Had to be dry because his hands were shaking and in about five more seconds, he knew he was going to just lose it if he didn’t get his cock inside her.

“Are . . .” Her voice broke a little. “Are you done?”

He tossed the brush down and capped the inks. He ought to clean everything, tuck it all up nice and neat, but he didn’t care. If he had to buy new supplies, he had to buy new supplies.

“Yeah,” he said raggedly, straightening up and staring down at the temporary tattoo he painted across her skin. It was a vivid rainbow across her pale torso and he was absolutely certain it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever had the pleasure to create. “I’m done.”

A nervous smile curled her lips and she asked, “Can I look?”

He shot her a look and then eyed the tattoo, feeling a little nervous himself. He never felt nervous about his work. Especially something as temporary as this. He had the kit on hand for parties and stuff, or for when he had a friend who wanted a tattoo but wasn’t sure. Nothing like seeing how you’d look with ink for the rest of your life to help you decide if you wanted it or not.

But Abby wasn’t just anybody and she sure as hell wasn’t just a friend.

“Yeah.” He went to pass a hand over the back of his mouth and then stopped, remembering the cut just in time. “Come on, we’ll go to the bathroom so you can see it all. But no peeking yet.”

With her eyes closed and her hand in his, Zach guided her to the bathroom. He hit the lights, revealing the sprawling, custom-designed bathroom with its glass-enclosed shower and the tub almost big enough to swim in, all of it done in colors of copper, rust, and gold.

Resting his hands on her shoulders, he guided her to the double sinks and swallowed the knot in his throat. “Okay . . . just remember, it’s temporary. It will wash off . . .”

Her eyes opened.

And her jaw dropped.

Her fingers shook a little as she lifted her hand and a look of wonder crossed her face as she trailed them over the blossom that covered her left breast. A sucker punch of lust struck him right in the gut and he swore, gripping her hips and spinning her around. “Fuck, Abby,” he snarled, lifting her up and pushing her legs open.

“Zach, I’m still . . .” Then she gasped as he pushed up against her and surged inside. “Oh . . .”

“Look later,” he rasped as she closed around him, so soft and wet, every bit as aroused as he was. Slamming one hand against the mirror beyond her shoulder, he stared down at her. The rainbow of color danced over her skin, rippling with each breath she took and he shuddered.

“I need you . . . damn it, I need you so much.” I love you . . . those words danced on his tongue and he managed just barely to keep them restrained.

She braced her hands on the copper-colored marble of the counter, staring up at him with wide, dazed eyes, her hair falling down around her back in a tumble and the sheer, erotic beauty of her was like a fist to the gut. In the middle of the red and gold of his bathroom, her hair a deep, fiery banner, her skin

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