Wrecked - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,74

threatened to take flight. “He’s my best friend, Marin. I mean, the two of you are . . . but . . .”

“Zach’s always been there, Abby. I know that. We’ve established that, right? I know what the two of you mean to each other. It’s cool. Besides . . .” She wagged her brows. “No matter how close the two of you are, there are certain things you just need a girl for. Like this. So . . . but what?”

“Things are changing lately. He’s my best friend, and I’m scared because I can’t lose that, but this thing . . . it’s getting huge. I think about him all the time, and I want him more than I want to breathe and I . . .” She slumped against the counter again, staring at the floor. “I’m scared. What if it falls apart and I lose everything? Not just this, but my friend, too?”

“Now I just don’t see that happening. The two of you have too much between you. You talk about how he’s the one who makes you think, makes you laugh . . . how he’s the one who is there for you. That’s a real thing between you and it won’t disappear, Abby.” Hooking an arm around her neck, Marin hugged her tight. “You’re falling for your best friend, Abs. That’s all it is. And to be honest, I think that’s pretty amazing. You’re supposed to be friends with the man in your life . . . and you two already are.”

“But what if it doesn’t last?” Abigale asked, her heart slamming against her ribs as Marin put everything into words. So plainly stated. You’re falling for your best friend.

Falling . . . yes. Hell, she’d already fallen, if she was completely honest with herself. She’d fallen hard.

“What if it does?” Marin returned.

Abigale groaned. She covered her face with her hands and then, because she had to say it out loud, she whispered, “And what if I do fall for him, really fall for him . . . and he doesn’t feel the same way?”

* * *

Oh, sweetie. Marin squeezed Abigale’s shoulders and tried to decide on the best course of action.

You blind woman . . . he’s been in love with you for years didn’t seem to be the right thing to say.

Why don’t you take it as it comes was the exact wrong thing to say to somebody like Abigale because Abigale planned things. Controlled things.

“Well, I can’t speak for Zach,” she finally said, carefully testing each word in her head before she spoke. “But I’d say the fact that the two of you are already involved, that he’s obviously attracted to you, and the fact that you two have so much already between you . . . hell, Abby, it’s more than some people have.”

She squeezed her shoulders again and then, as the door opened, she pressed a kiss to Abigale’s cheek and said, “We need to get out there before he decides we made a break for it or something.”

Chapter Fifteen

“You realize this would be a lot easier if you just told her you are in love with her.”

Zach glared at the phone. It wasn’t particularly effective since Marin couldn’t see him and it didn’t make him feel any better, but he couldn’t keep himself from glaring, either. He almost flipped the damn thing off but figured that was a waste of time.

It was almost midnight, he was alone in the shop, and the last thing he needed was to be scolded by Marin.

Especially after he’d already heard a variation of the same from his mom.

Especially after he’d dealt with Keelie’s cranky ass all week.

Especially after he hadn’t managed so much as five minutes alone with Abigale since they’d gotten back from San Diego.

“I don’t need advice on how to handle my love life, Marin,” he said sourly when the glare didn’t magically disconnect the phone call. It should work, he thought. If life was fair, it would have worked and then when she called back, he just wouldn’t answer.

“The hell you don’t.” Marin sighed. “Zach, listen . . . have you given her any inkling that you want something more out of this than sex?”

He flushed and rubbed the back of his neck. He was not discussing his sex life with Marin, either. She was like the sister he never had. “You realize we’ve only been going out a few weeks, right?”

“Long enough for you to start banging her,” Marin

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