Wrecked - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,72

But I left because I wanted to. He doesn’t want to. I don’t know what his deal is.” Then he rubbed his lips against hers. “And, Abby, if you keep talking about other guys while I’m sitting here buck-ass naked with you, it just might hurt my ego.”

“Your ego, huh?” She laughed a little and reached between them, closing her hand around his cock, stroking up, then down. “This ego?”

“Yeah.” He flashed her a grin. “Matter of fact, I think you might have already hurt it. Maybe you should kiss it and make it better.”

“Hmmm.” She squirmed backward and eased downward.

And Zach shuddered as her mouth closed around him.

* * *

Breakfast was a lovely, luxurious affair at the table where they watched the bay and Zach kept whispering in her ear about how he’d never see another dining room table with thinking about what they’d done on this one.

Consequently, she spent most of the meal red-faced and was so turned on, she jumped him in the shower when they were supposed to be getting ready to check out.

Which meant they were late for their lunch date with Marin.

Marin waved at them from her table with a glint in her eye and a wide grin. “You two, if I’d known you were going to be late, I wouldn’t have gotten up so early to head down here.”

Abigale rolled her eyes as she slid into the seat next to Marin. “Oh, be quiet. Like you sat here . . . what? Fifteen minutes?”

Marin laughed. “Actually, it was five. I was a few minutes late myself.” She slid Zach a look and smiled. “You’re looking nice and . . . relaxed there, Zach.”

“I had a nice breakfast,” he said blandly.

Under the table, he rested a hand on Abigale’s knee and she could feel the blush settling on her skin. But she didn’t knock his hand off, either. Instead, she covered it with her own. When he turned his hand around and laced their fingers, something in her heart tripped a little. Sighed . . .

Marin rested an elbow on the table and studied her. “Abigale Applegate, I have to tell you this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that look on your face.”

“Ahhh . . .”

“Lay off, Marin,” Zach said easily, slumping in the seat. He pinned her with a flat, direct stare and while his tone was level, the look in his eyes was anything but.

The little round table only sat three people, tucked into a secluded little alcove where they had some privacy. Abigale flushed a little as he lifted their hands out and pressed a kiss to the back of hers and then eased in closer, resting an arm on the back of her chair.

Marin chuckled. “Laying off, although, damn, it’s going to be hard when you can’t seem to keep your hands off of her.”

Zach smirked a little as he reached for his water. “You’re just jealous.”

“No. I got over your cute ass years ago, Barnes. I can’t help but think it’s going to be fun to watch this.” Marin sipped from a glass of wine and gestured to the bottle in the middle of the table. “Would you like a glass?”

“Watch what?” Abigale asked, squirming a little. Then she shot the wine bottle a dark look and shook her head. “Absolutely no. I hate your taste in wine. That stuff tastes like shit.”

Marin chuckled. “That cab costs about seventy-five dollars a bottle, you know.”

“Then it’s pricey shit. Although I’ve seen you spend that much on just a glass of wine. So maybe it’s mediocre shit, depending on your point of view.” She reached for the wine list and sighed as she skimmed through it. Typical. The only kind of wines she could typically stomach at most restaurants were the ones they’d serve for dessert and it was too early. “I’ll just stick with coffee for now.”

“Hmm. Needing the caffeine boost and it’s only eleven.” Marin’s grin widened. “Didn’t sleep much?”

With a baleful glare, Abigale reached for the menu and resigned herself to an . . . interesting meal. Marin had gotten it in her head to mess with her and that was exactly what her friend was going to do.

* * *

“You tramp, you went and did it.”

Tucked inside the bathroom, Abigale sighed and leaned in closer to the mirror as she pretended to check her makeup. She’d barely put any on and she wasn’t overly concerned with how it looked anyway, but it was a way to

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