Wrecked - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,20

him. “I can handle it. You just keep doing what needs to be done. Otherwise we get to listen to him bark for the rest of the day.”

Abigale tried to elicit a smile from him.

But all he did was shoot a nervous look over his shoulder at his boss and then back at her, like he just might be sick.

Damn it.

She really wanted this day over with.

Sighing, she focused on the stove. This was why she liked running her own business. If she was putting up with the assholes, at least they were paying her. She was getting paid here, but not by the prick with the pots and pans over there.

Abigale smirked a little as she settled down to work.

* * *

“I just wanted to thank—”

The woman stopped in the doorway, staring at Abigale. Her daughter was the young lady of the night and having a very grand time, from the way it sounded, and the look of pleasure on the woman’s face was almost worth the headache of working with Raul.


“I . . .”

Abigale mentally sighed and reached for a rag to wipe her damp hands off.

“Madam, is everything . . .” Raul paused, pursing his lips as though he was searching for the words.

Abigale was pretty certain the woman’s name was Anna Wendell. They hadn’t had the chance to meet but she remembered that Grace had kept referring to an Anna. And Anna was staring at her with a look that Abigale was pretty familiar with.

“Is it . . .” Anna licked her lips and laughed, the sound more than a little nervous. “Ah, this is going to sound terrible, but . . .”

Raul shot Abigale a dirty look and then stepped forward. “Madam, if she’s caused a problem with the party, I’m terribly sorry. As you know, Grace was ill and we had . . . we had to settle.”

Settle? Oh, she’d show him settling. After she punched him. The pompous windbag.

Anna gave him a horrified look and then shot a look at Abigale again. “Raul, don’t be silly. Everything was wonderful. That’s why I came back here—I was worried there would be problems with Grace getting sick. But . . .” She edged around him, coming closer to Abigale, but her steps were slow, almost hesitant, like she was still trying to decide if she wanted to say anything.

Abigale decided she wanted to get out of there. She couldn’t leave yet but since the party was going well and her part was done, she would take a few minutes outside. Setting her shoulders, she put a smile on her face and stepped forward with her hand outstretched. “Hello, Mrs. Wendell. Abigale Applegate.”

Anna’s jaw dropped. “Oh . . . oh, my goodness.” Instead of reaching out to shake her hand, she covered her mouth. “It is you!”

“Madam . . .”

Anna started to laugh, waving her hands a little as a smile stretched across her face. “Ms. Applegate . . . wow. Oh, my goodness. Wow. You won’t believe this, I know and I bet you hear it all the time, but I’m one of your biggest fans. Kate + Nate was one of my most favorite shows ever . . . and when it went off the air, I thought I was just going to die.”

The lady rushed over and as her arms came around her, Abigale hugged her back.

“It’s such an honor to meet you!”

“The pleasure is mine,” Abigale said softly and she meant it. One thing she had enjoyed about that life was meeting the people who’d enjoyed the show. That had been fun, something that made it worth it. Even now.

“Uh . . . who in the hell is Kate?”

Looking up, Abigale smiled and she couldn’t help it as she met Raul’s gaze. “I was . . . once. Raul, what happened to your accent?”

* * *

Ten minutes later, she’d signed autographs and then managed to sneak her way outside. The warm evening air wrapped around her and she sighed as she made her way over to one of the benches that lined the outdoor gardens of the pavilion the Wendell family had rented.

Stretching out her legs, she flexed her calves and wished she could take off her shoes, but then she’d have to put them back on . . . not going to happen. Once those puppies came off, they were staying off.

“You’re really a famous actress?”

At the sound of that young voice, she bit back a sigh and then sat up,

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