Wrecked (Clayton Falls) - By Alyssa Rose Ivy Page 0,47

friends and family big time for driving me to Wilmington so often, but it was worth it. With my limited license, I could drive to work and school if I didn’t want to walk. At least I didn’t have to get Molly involved in that anymore.

“He’s not even two years old. He doesn’t know what trick or treating is.” Emily ate Noah’s crust. She refused to waste it.

“Okay, so I want to go trick or treating too.”

She laughed. “Now the truth comes out.”

“I won’t take him out long, just in my parents’ neighborhood.”

“It sounds great in theory, but by the time I get there Noah already needs to be in bed.”

“You can both stay over. Or if you want a break, just let me keep him for the night.”

“Where’s he going to sleep? He’s in a bed, but he needs a rail.”

I smiled. I’d been meaning to keep it a secret, but I decided to let the cat out of the bag. “I set up one of those toddler beds in my extra bedroom—you know the one that looks like a race car. I thought it might be nice if you guys could start staying over with me sometimes…” Staying at her place was fine, but I wanted her in my bed too.

“You set up a room for Noah?” Her eyes widened in surprise. I hoped it was the good kind.

“Yeah. I mean we’ve been together two months now, it makes sense.”

“You make it sound like two years.”

I didn’t like the way she avoided my eyes when she said it. “What’s that supposed to mean? Two months is a record for me.”

“Please tell me that’s a joke.”

“You know it isn’t. You know you’re the first girl I’ve been serious with.”

“Serious? You think we’re serious?”

“Aren’t we?”

She looked away again.

“Emily, answer me.”

She looked at Noah who was playing on the floor. She lowered her voice. “He’s getting attached to you.”

“And I’m getting attached to him. What’s the problem?” I wanted to stay calm, but I didn’t like where the conversation was heading.

“What happens when you decide you’re tired of us? When you decide you want a girlfriend without all of this?” She gestured to her and Noah with her hand.

“Is that what you’re worried about? That I’m going to suddenly wake up one day and break up with you?”

“It’s Noah I’m worried about. Maybe he’s spending too much time with you.” She got up from the table and started collecting our plates.

“Hey, Noah, can you give your mom and I a minute?” I knew we couldn’t leave him unsupervised but he’d be fine if we stepped into the kitchen.

She placed the dishes in the sink.

“He’s not spending too much time with me. You’re not either.” I braced myself on the counter behind me.

She crossed her arms. “How do you know that?”

“Because I can’t get enough of either of you, and no matter what you do, the damage is done. Noah and I like each other and that’s not going to change.”

“But what if you do get tired of us?” Once the tears started spilling down her face, I thought I was going to break in two.

“I can’t see the future, Emily, but I know that I’m not going anywhere. I love the man I am around you and Noah. I love the way you make me feel, and I love both of you. Why would I ever give that up?”

“Right now, we’re convenient.”

“Convenient?” I had to keep my anger reined in. If I got mad, Emily would get mad and it would be even worse.

“I don’t mean physically. Obviously, it’s hard to see each other. But be honest with yourself. Would you be with me if you had a car and could date other girls?”


“I just mean, do you think it’s a coincidence that you finally decide to have a serious relationship when you can’t just pick up girls all the time?” She looked away again.

I grabbed her hand a little more roughly than I normally would, but she had to stop looking away. “No. It isn’t a coincidence. It’s because I finally met someone worth spending more time with. I don’t get it. What am I supposed to do to convince you that my feelings for you are real? Because if you have an answer, I’d really appreciate it right now.”

“I don’t know.” Her light tears turned into sobbing and I pulled her into my arms.

“What aren’t you telling me? This can’t be just because you’re afraid of me leaving.” I

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