Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,30

him lead me away, mainly because I feel awkward that everyone seems to be ignoring poor Ryan.

Vinn takes me outside to the parking lot of the club. He nods at his driver, who opens the back door of his car. He indicates for me to get in, which I do, and he slides in beside me. “I hope you like it.” He smiles, carefully pushing a box towards me. “Gia suggested it.”

I stare cautiously at the box. “It’s a big box,” I say.

“Put me out of my misery and open it,” he insists.

I smile and then carefully lift the lid. Inside, in the corner of the box, sits a small black puppy with a red bow around its neck. I gasp. “You got me a dog!”

“Gia thought it would make you smile,” he says. I reach in and take out the little fluffy bundle. “It’s a boy,” he adds as I cuddle the puppy into my chest.

“Vinn, I really don’t know what to say.” I smile. “I love him.”

“It’s nice to see the sparkle back in your eyes. It’s been missing the last few times I’ve seen you.” I nod sadly. He isn’t the first to notice my sadness. “Dump the nerd,” he adds. “Let me show you what a real man is like.”

His words remind me too much of Chains and I shake my head. “I’m taking a step back from relationships, men, commitment.”

“I’m not going to give up.” He smirks and I smile.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less. Let’s go back inside. I want to show off my new baby.”

The women inside gush over the new puppy. Riggs glares at Vinn and then takes him off to his office. I assume he’ll warn him off. Ryan pulls me to one side. “Can we talk?” he asks.

“Sure.” I hand my new furry friend to Anna and follow him outside.

“Are you sleeping with that gangster?” he asks and I smile at his reference to Vinn.

“No. He’s kind to me. I think he feels sorry for me,” I say.

“Or maybe he wants to get in your knickers,” he huffs.

I decide I need to be honest with Ryan. It’s not fair for me to drag this out any longer. “Ryan, I’ve decided I need to be single for a while.”

He stares at me. His mouth opens and closes like a goldfish. “Why?”

“It’s not you. I know that sounds cliché, but it really isn’t. I’ve got my final exams coming up and my placement starts on Monday. I have so much going on that I don’t have time for anybody else right now.”

“Did I push you too much?” he asks. “Was last night too much?”

“No,” I say, taking his hand. “You were really nice. I’m glad my first time was with you,” I lie. “Maybe in a few months, we can get together and see where we’re both at, but right now, I can’t be with you.”

Ryan nods sadly. I feel an instant relief when he walks away. The guilt lifts and I head back inside.

“What can we name the puppy?” slurs Eva. She’s been sneaking shots when Cree’s back’s been turned and now she’s drunk.

“Diesel.” I smile. “I’m calling him Diesel.”

“Ladies,” comes Brick’s voice. We all look up at him from our position on the couch. He’s with a man the size of a wrestler. He’s huge. His muscles bulge and his piercing blue eyes are like crystal. “This is Blu. He’s joining us for a while as our enforcer.”

Gia stands and smiles. “I’m Gia,” she says, holding out her hand. He stares at it but makes no move to take it.

“I thought you were supposed to be here weeks ago?” asks Anna.

“Had some business,” he growls.

“That’s rude,” Gia butts in. “I was being nice.” Blu glares at her. “Shake my hand,” she hisses. I hide my smirk. She looks set to stamp her feet.

“I’m not nice,” he growls. “And I don’t shake hands.” He turns and walks away, followed closely by Brick.

“What an ass,” snaps Gia. “Did you see how rude he was? Who the hell does he think he is?”

“You totally want to bang him,” laughs Anna.

“I totally want to bang him,” agrees Gia and we laugh.

I get into bed with Diesel by my side. I notice a message on my phone and open it.

Chains: Princess, have the best birthday.

I deleted Chains’ telephone number after he left which was pointless because I’d already memorised it. My heart rate picks up. It’s the first time I’ve heard from him since he left.

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