Wrangling the Redhead - By Sherryl Woods Page 0,38

the truck. Don’t take too long. We’ve already wasted enough time this morning.”

He turned his back and stalked outside, barely resisting the urge to grab the nearest object and hurl it across the yard. Why did he let her get to him? Why the hell did it matter to him who she’d been with or what secrets she was still keeping from him? She was with him now. Well, at least he had reason to believe they would be together one of these days…unless, of course, she drove him completely nuts in the meantime.

Where the heck did Wade get off cross-examining her like a jealous lover? Lauren was still muttering under her breath as she took her own sweet time about getting ready to ride with him to the Grigsby ranch.

Of course, she might not have been half as upset if she hadn’t panicked that he might have overheard something that would give away the secret of her identity. Nothing he’d said, however, suggested that had happened. He was only irritated because she wouldn’t tell him what Jason really meant to her. As if that persistent little weasel could mean anything at all.

Her hotshot agent still hadn’t given up on that big movie deal. He refused to believe that she had no intention of returning to Hollywood. He couldn’t imagine anyone giving up the life she’d had out there to stick around a small town in Wyoming and work with horses. Sometimes Lauren didn’t believe it herself. But the bottom line was that she was happier than she had been in years, and Wade Owens was a big part of that…even if in his own way he was almost as infuriating as Jason.

Maybe she should just tell Wade everything and get it over with, she thought as she splashed water on her overheated face. She wasn’t that great at being secretive. It was taking a toll on her.

But glancing in the mirror at her reflection, Lauren could see on her own features the fear that the prospect stirred in her. Not only was she not ready to give up her prized anonymity, but given all of Wade’s issues with the wealthy, he might walk away the minute he discovered she had oodles and oodles of money in the bank. She needed more time to convince him that none of that mattered, that she was simply a woman who loved horses and ranching as much as he did.

When she finally joined him in the truck, she turned to face him. “I want to make a pact.”

He studied her with a guarded expression. “Oh?”

“No more talk about Jason or my ex-husbands or your father. Agreed?”

“How did my father get into that mix?”

“They’re all touchy subjects.”

“Okay, then. Are we talking today or forever?”

“We’ll start with today and see how it goes.”

He nodded. “Fair enough, as long as I can say one last thing.”

“Go ahead,” she said.

“Promise me that if you ever need any help, you’ll come to me.”


“With this Jason,” he said tightly. “If the guy doesn’t get your message, let me rephrase it for him.”

He sounded so worried, so completely sincere about his desire to protect her, that she leaned across the gearshift and planted a kiss squarely on his mouth, lingering just long enough to feel the heat flare. When she pulled away, he stared at her, bemused.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“For wanting to fight my battles for me. Not that I’d ever let you, but it’s sweet just the same.”

“I didn’t offer to be ‘sweet,”’ he grumbled.

“I know, that’s why it was so wonderful. Now let’s get over to see Mr. Grigsby. I feel like doing some high-powered horse-trading.”

Wade laughed, the last of his tension draining out of his face. “Good. Then I’ll let you negotiate. The man will be so dazzled, he’s bound to give us rock-bottom prices.”

“Very funny. I will not use my looks to get a better deal.”

“Too bad. I’m here to tell you it’s your best weapon.”

“Then you haven’t heard me sweet-talking anyone yet,” she assured him with a grin.

His grin spread. “I can hardly wait.”

“You should have heard Lauren,” Wade boasted to Grady when they returned to the Blackhawk ranch with four magnificent horses, all bought at prices well below market value. “She was amazing.”

“I just did a little negotiating,” Lauren insisted. “Otis Junior was anxious to sell, and I took advantage of that.”

“Otis Junior was tongue-tied and all but on his knees by the time you finished with him,” Wade corrected. “I’ve never

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