Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #3) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,69

is dull, humor is dry, and don’t get me started on our one-sentence conversations.”

“You need some kind of drastic change and see if he notices. Wear something different and tight, cut or dye your hair, put on a padded bra. If he looks even a tiny bit fazed, then that means he’s looking.”

“Okay, I can do the first two, but I’m not wearing a padded bra. Aside from being uncomfortable, I wear scrubs, and they’re tight enough as it is.”

“I would love to see you with bleach blond hair!” I exclaim. “It’d look hot with your tan, too. Get some layers or side bangs.” I move my head from side to side as I imagine it in my mind. “Yep, it’d look sexy as hell.”

“You know how long it’d take to get my dark hair to blond?”

“Well, good thing Zoey has all the mad skills!” I smirk. “I’m sure she’ll help you out.”

Elle groans but nods. “Alright, but I’m not doing this for him. I could use a change.”

Smiling, I grab my phone to set a reminder to call Zoey after lunch. “Maybe I’ll get some highlights myself. See Gavin resist my charm then.”

She snorts as she takes a sip of her water. “Trust me, he’s probably just as anxious to get you back in his bed. He just wants to play hard to get first.”

“If Gavin grew up here, I could do recon and ask his best friend questions and get intimate details about him. Grayson would be my best bet, but I don’t want to get him involved. Maybe Cooper would know? I don’t have his number, though, and he might be traveling right now.” The thought of Gavin leaving nearly suffocates me, but I push it away. I realize he never told me what decision he made. Regardless, I think I’d try long distance for him.

“Ooh, this is starting to sound like some kind of detective mission.” Elle rubs her palms together. “ I think Connor’s been called out to their ranch before. I’ll look in his files and see if I can find his number, or maybe you can just stop by randomly.”

“Oh my God, that’d be amazing. You’re a genius!”

Elle snorts. “I didn’t go to vet school for nothing. But you probably know more than you think. You can’t tell me in the past year you haven’t eavesdropped on him while he was eating at the B&B.”

She makes a valid point. I’ve heard a lot of his conversations. But I don’t want to screw this chance up because it might be the last one he gives me.

Once our food is delivered, we take our time eating and chat.

After we finish, we pay, then stand. Neither of us wants to go back to work, but we know we have to. I miss hanging out with Elle and make her promise to do this again sometime soon.

“Well, good luck wrangling your cowboy.” She pulls me in for a hug. “I’ll text you if I find Cooper’s number.”

“Thank you.”

We say our goodbyes, and before I drive back to the ranch, I text Gavin. Just in case she can’t find Cooper’s info, I need a plan B.

Maize: I want to give us a real chance this time. Are my words not enough?

Gavin: You’re adorable. Actions always speak louder than words, sweetheart.

I groan while simultaneously getting butterflies at the way he called me sweetheart. Damn him.

But if that’s how he’s going to be, then fine.

I just hope whatever I come up with is enough to win him back because right now, I’ll do whatever it takes.

Chapter Eighteen


After two days of silence, I’m wondering if Maize’s given up altogether. Though I’ve accepted her apology, and she’s said she wants a real chance, I won’t be falling back into bed with her that quickly. I’ve been burned too much by her already. She’s spent the past year giving me whiplash with her mood swings, so she needs to prove she’s serious.

I’d love nothing more than to hold Maize Bishop in my arms until the sun rises, but I’m patient.

It’s Monday morning, and I’m heading to the B&B to meet up with the guys for breakfast. It’ll be the first time I’ve been around Maize since Friday, and I’m anxious as hell to talk to her.

“Mornin’.” John greets me when I enter. I tip my hat and flash him a small smile while scanning the room.

Grayson’s already sitting at a table and looks up at me with a grin. “Hey, man.”


I go to

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