Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #3) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,60

her eyes at me, but I can tell I’ve gotten under her skin. “Is that a threat or something?” she asks with shakiness in her voice.

“Not a threat, sweetheart. That’s a damn promise,” I confirm, meaning every word. I give her a smirk, then walk away. Before I make it back to Sarah, I grab two waters from an ice chest. I can only imagine how angry Maize is right now, and it fills me with joy knowing I can see through her.

I hand Sarah the water, and she thanks me. When I sit next to her, she scoots closer and leans her head on my shoulder. When I turn around, I catch a glimpse of Maize watching us and chuckle. I’ve got all the goddamn proof I need. She tells me to move on, then is ready to murder me when I invite another woman to join me. One thing is for certain—Maize needs to make up her mind because, at this point, I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t.

The firework show starts, and it’s incredible. I’ve seen displays this big at rodeos, and I’m amazed they’re able to pull it off so flawlessly. The booms from the mortar shells echo in the distance, and the colors are bright and spectacular. Some crackle and pop while others glitter and fade.

The summer breeze brushes against my skin, and I realize how much I love being on the ranch. It’s been almost a year since I took the job, and I haven’t once regretted it. I’ve found my second family, and I can’t imagine how hard it’s going to be to leave this behind.

When it’s over, the big group of us burst out into applause while some hoot and holler. Considering nearly fifty people are here, it takes a while to tell everyone goodbye. I pick up the blanket, and we walk back to my truck so I can take Sarah home.

“Want to go to the bar and have a drink?” she asks when we climb in, and I start the engine.

“I’d love to, but I have to be up early. Should probably get some sleep.”

She sticks out her bottom lip and pouts as I turn toward her house.

When I pull into the driveway, I park and smile at her. “Thanks again for joining me. That was a lot of fun.”

“It was. Do you want to come in?” she whispers. She leans in and tries to kiss me, but I pull away before our lips can connect.

“Whoa, whoa,” I calmly say. “Sarah. Because I'm a gentleman and I don’t like to lead ladies on, I think I should set the record straight. While I think you’re a very beautiful woman, we’re just friends, and that’s all we can be.”

She rolls her eyes, obviously annoyed by the rejection. “Wow. Okay. Is it because of Maize?”

My heart rate quickens, and I meet her eyes. “All that matters right now is that you understand where you and I stand. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.”

She sucks in a deep breath and lets it out. “It’s fine. I feel really stupid now, but thanks for a good time.”

“I’m sorry.” I want her to know I genuinely mean it, but I don’t think her embarrassment will allow it. She gets out of the truck, turns, and gives me a wave before going inside. On the way home, I feel like an utter asshole. If I were in my twenties, just passing through, I probably would’ve followed her inside. I’m a different man now, and my door no longer revolves. The only woman I want pushes me away continually, and it’s frustrating as fuck.

By the time I walk into my house, I’m more than annoyed. I go to the fridge and pull out a beer, then sit on the couch. After I kick off my boots, my phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out and see it’s Cooper.

I open the message he sent.

Cooper: Hey man. Just checking to see if you made up your mind about traveling the road with me and coaching me to pro level.

I read his text message a few times. I think about Maize and the way she looked at me with disdain today. Her words repeat in my mind, and how she’s said several times she wants me to just go away. Regardless of what I think, Maize believes we were a mistake, and it only fuels the fire burning inside me. Closing

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