Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #3) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,58

I need to talk.”

I nearly close the gap between us as her arms fall to her side, and the way her breath hitches doesn’t go unnoticed. She licks her lips as her eyes flick up to mine.

“We have nothing to talk about, Gavin.”

“Sure we do. For starters, why don’t you tell me who your little friend is?”

“None of your damn business.”

“You gonna sleep with him, then bail the next morning, too? Should…” I throw a thumb over my shoulder. “Should I warn him? Give him the Maize 101 on what to expect?” I lean down until my lips nearly brush her ear, then whisper, “Tell him you like it fast and deep and to slap your ass real hard. Save him the trouble of having to hear you talk.”

“You asshole,” she spews when I back away. “What’s your problem? We hooked up, twice, and that’s it. Move the fuck on!”

I smile in amusement because seeing Maize fired up is fucking hot as hell. She’s trying to keep her walls up by being bold, but I see right through her façade. When I catch her staring at me when I’m eating at the B&B, it’s with intent, not disgust. I see the way she bites on her lower lip, and how her chest rises and falls any time I’m near. She tries so damn hard not to be affected by me even when her body aches for my touch.

“You’re adorable, Maize. A little spitfire even, but a horrible liar.”

“What?” She gasps. “I’m not lying. I’ve already moved on, and you should too.”

“You mean, that little Leo dude?” I bark out a laugh. “He couldn’t find your clit even if you drew him a map with color keys.”

She rolls her eyes, folding her arms.

“Alright then, go out there and kiss him. Stick your tongue down his throat and prove to me you’re over us.”

“You’re ridiculous.” She steps around me and moves toward the door.

I spin around, walking into the hallway to watch her ass. “But make sure you’re not thinking about me the whole time when you do!”

“Fuck off, Gavin!” She flips me the bird over her shoulder, and I stifle a laugh.

Her mouth says one thing, but the way her body reacts is another—the actual truth. She doesn’t want me to play this game and start dating for the hell of it. Or maybe she does?

Perhaps it’s time to test that theory.

Chapter Fourteen


It’s been two weeks since Maize pulled her little stunt and showed up at my birthday party with Leo in tow. I’m still annoyed as hell about it and determined to make her feel the fire that scorches me each time she’s around. I’m not stupid and know she planned to make me jealous. Maize makes the rules to this game, and it’s time for me to break them.

I’ve chased her enough, and if she really wants me to get over her, I’ve come up with a plan to see if she’ll believe her own bullshit. When we were at the rodeo, I remember how she looked at Sarah Cooke like she may steal me away. Though I’m not the type of guy to lead a woman on, I asked Sarah if she’d like to join me at the big Fourth of July celebration at the Bishop ranch. Riley encouraged me to bring a date, and she was the only woman who I’ve really spoken to who wasn’t a Bishop or married to one.

I drive over to pick up Sarah from her house, and she’s dressed in a mini skirt, boots, and a strapless shirt showing off her summer tan. Though she’s beautiful, I’m not really into blondes. When she climbs inside the truck, she immediately grins.

“Hey! How have things been going?” she asks. As soon as she buckles, we head toward the ranch.

“Good. I don’t have any complaints.” I smile at her as we continue to make small talk. We chat about the rodeo and Cooper placing and how he won first place again.

“I heard him tell my daddy he was planning to go pro and wanted you to travel with him full-time,” she tells me when we park and get out of the truck.

“Yeah, that’s all true.” I leave the conversation there. I’ve lived in this town long enough to know that rumors travel like speed trains ’round here, so I’d rather not get into the specifics.

I grab a blanket from the back seat so we can sit on the grass comfortably. A tip Diesel offered when

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