Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #3) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,36

you say?” she finally asks.

“Sure. I’ll be there, but you owe me one,” I tell her with a wink.

She chuckles, a sound I don’t get to hear too often. “Add it to my tab. See you at eleven.”

Once Maize is out of sight, I go back to Demon, and we try saddle training next. When I look down at my phone, I realize it’s nearly time to meet Maize. Quickly, I finish up, then I pop my head into the office and let Jackson know I’m going to the B&B for lunch in case he comes lookin’ for me.

On the way over, I can’t stop smiling because this is a step in the right direction. Though Maize and I have played tug-of-war for months, her reaching out for my help feels like progress. She’s smart to ask me because I have eaten a lot of barbecue over the years. It’s a staple at every damn rodeo I’ve ever been to.

I pull up to the B&B and park. Though it’s only the end of April, it’s already hot as hell. Can’t even imagine how summer’s gonna be, but I’m not looking forward to it because I’ll be working outside. When I enter, I immediately smell the smoky meat wafting through the whole place. My mouth begins to water, and my stomach growls.

As soon as I sit at a table in the corner, Maize steps into view and looks around the room. When she spots me, she smiles, then holds up her index finger and walks away. I get up and pour myself some sweet tea, and when I return to my seat, I notice she’s carrying a tray full of food toward me.

“Whoa,” I say with a grin when she sets it down.

The laughter that releases from her sounds so sweet. Maize hands me a set of silverware and sits in front of me. Before I take a bite, I notice she’s fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. She’s so nervous about me eating, not something I’ve witnessed since being here. I push the fork into the meat and watch the juices run from it. It’s tender as can be as I eat it. The taste isn’t like anything I’ve had before, and I swear it’s the best damn barbecue I’ve ever had.

I grab the dinner roll and dip it in the barbecue sauce, take a few bites of smoked sausage, and finish off the brisket like I haven’t eaten in a decade. Maize’s cheeks turn pink as she bites her bottom lip. “Okay, so what do you think?”

With the rest of the bread, I wipe it across the plate until it’s perfectly clean. “Do you have more?”

“You’re just saying that,” she chides, crossing her arms.

I place my hand over hers and lean forward, lowering my voice so no prying ears can hear. “You’re gonna win this, sweetheart. It’s the best I’ve ever had. Cross my heart.”

Her smile grows wider. “Really?”

“I wouldn’t lie. The texture. The flavor. It’s not dry at all like some briskets are. And the sauce, holy shit, woman. I’m tempted to get down on one knee and ask you to marry me right here, right now.”

She pulls her hand away, and I realize I crossed the line, but I don’t care. It’s the damn truth.

“So, about those seconds…?” I linger, not just referring to her food.

Standing and scooting in her chair, she grabs the tray, leaving my tea, then walks away. I almost thought she was pranking me until she returns with a heaping pile full of her soon-to-be award-winning barbecue. “I gotta go help my employees, so I’ll be right back. Okay?”

I give her a nod and dig in. It’s so delicious I eat every morsel, not wasting a crumb. About an hour passes before she comes back.

“There’s no way you ate all that,” she says, her eyes wide.

I lean back and suck in a deep breath. I might’ve gone overboard, but it was too good to pass up. “I did, and now I’m full as hell and have no idea how I’m going to work for the rest of the day. I can already feel the food coma coming. It was so good, and if I had any room, I’d eat more.” I throw her a wink.

“You’re not shitting me, right?” she asks again.

“Never. You’ll win, hands down. I’d even bet on it.” I hold out my hand, hoping she shakes, but she doesn’t do anything but smile wide.

“Thank you,” she whispers. “Means a

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